Comments received on poems by jess_18

plankton said:

A coyote wants to howl,
wants to pop
in downtown L.A.
wants the patience
to know Inglewood,
when the Trojans are bad.

Feel sonically,
and can't move.

Are we moving yet?

April 24th, 2016 21:39


HI JESS - Love the poem (nice structure) and love the theme ! In essence we all live in bubbles called our personal space ! In stanza 1. your bubble seems too impenetrable (it happens) and we wait (in vain) for someone to pop it ! In stanza 2. the situation worsens. No one hears you - everyone leaves ! YES you are safe - but imobile - inside your bubble that no one POPS ! JESS you really must get out more ! Thanks for sharing - awesome - BRIAN

April 24th, 2016 17:18

Long gone

HI JESS - Welcome to My Poetic side - excellent site. Loved your first poem - despite it being full of anguish and despair !Well written with well structured lines. We all have bad experiences and so often the hurt remains. Other don't see it because it didn't happen to them. Also we try to move on and hide our pain. Thanks for caring & sharing - BRIAN

April 23rd, 2016 16:16