Comments received on poems by AMPLIFIED HEAT

A Dog\'s Farewell

THANKS AH - Beautiful photo ! As you say our PETS do break our hearts ! DOGS (and CATS etc) do normally have a much shorter life span than us so I guess in a lifetime we will have to say goodbye many times. It's especially hard for children ! Your poem poem perfectly describes the feelings of the owner and the pet when the parting comes ! Thanks for caring and sharing - BRIAN

May 23rd, 2016 16:37

The Deception

Thanks AH for a very challenging poem ! As Christians "We have this treasure in earthen vessels - that the Glory may be God's and not ours !" We must always remember this because (spiritual) pride is always proceded by a (spiritual) fall. We can avoid feeling hopeless and bereft (your closing line) if we always pin our HOPE on GOD and not MAN ! Thanks for caring and sharing - BRIAN

May 19th, 2016 04:35