Comments received on poems by ccrees

The Succubus

We have all encountered SUCCUBI ~ Awesome females who drain our soul and occupy our hearts and minds - even when we are asleep. I'm no INCUBUS so I surrender to the Succubi every time - delightful ! Love the form of your poem rhyming couplets neatly packaged in six quatrains ~ great to read ~ perfect to recite ! In less than 25 lines you have described the SUCCUBI perfectly and your delightful experiences sure mirror mine ! "I'll never escape her ~ Because my heart is hers to keep !" Thanks for sharing more please - BRIAN

June 15th, 2016 09:51

The Succubus
lysistrata said:

From 'Your Dear Mother' to " The Succumbus"?!
Dumb your mother and Keep the Succumbus.. She is a much better inspiration,don't you think?
The mind is its own place, and it could turn a Heaven out of Hell, and a Hell out of Heaven..
Keep writing.

June 15th, 2016 09:45

Dear Mother

WELCOME CC - Thanks you for an awesome poem straight from your heart. I love the structure (quatrains and rhyming couplets) which made it easy thought painful to read. It rang so very very true. In these days of mobiles and skype and internet there is no reason not to keep close to our Mums & Dads and other Family 24/7. We are all guilty of procrastination in this area. We should never be too busy to call our Folks ! Your heart rending poem (especially the last three verses) will i am sure jog some consciences ! Thanks for having the heart to share - BRIAN

June 1st, 2016 02:49

Dear Mother
Berthold Lippel said:

beautiful beautiful

May 31st, 2016 19:09