Comments received on poems by landonthomson


LANDON - I now see English too ! The poem is a transliteration ROMAN SCRIPT TO GREEK SCRIPT. I've transliterated it back to Roman and it does make sense ! "I saw hope when I was with you - and the madness of self ceased to drown me ! I love the sentiment in your poem. Someone who was defeated being "exalted to higher waters" and being "newly made". I(n life (and love) it does happen and it can restore us and make uncomplete. Thanks for sharing BRIAN

June 8th, 2016 07:37


AFKARISTO - Landon a challenging way to present a poem - transliterating the English into Greek script. I have transliterated it back to English and am pleased to comment ! "Don't be like them - those who settle for shallow labels and empty praises .......... This is a well pened and challenging poem because it encourages us NOT to go with the flow - but to be our own person. Counteract - - influence the emptiness of others - rise higher - BECAUSE "Those who settle have already lost !". Thanks for sahring - BRIAN

June 8th, 2016 07:28

landonthomson said:

Feel free to comment on how I can make this poem better, I am open to suggestions. Thanks for reading.

June 8th, 2016 01:18