Comments received on poems by abi2511
When Life is Bliss
WELCOME ABI ~ Thanks for a very descriptive and emotive first poem ! I could scent the grass ~ feel the Sun ~ feel the thorn and taste the cold sweetness of the iced coffee ~ it was blissful ! A good oem should engage all the senses and this one did ! It had rhythm and is a good example of a modern "free verse" poem. Yours BRIAN. Please check my Poems ~ Thanks B
September 9th, 2016 16:25
WELCOME ABI ~ Thanks for a very descriptive and emotive first poem ! I could scent the grass ~ feel the Sun ~ feel the thorn and taste the cold sweetness of the iced coffee ~ it was blissful ! A good oem should engage all the senses and this one did ! It had rhythm and is a good example of a modern "free verse" poem. Yours BRIAN. Please check my Poems ~ Thanks B
September 9th, 2016 16:25