Comments received on poems by AnxiousMane
I hate having crushes
sorenbarrett said:
This poem sends a message of depression following despair over nonacceptance or rejection. A dark write
March 25th, 2025 18:16
sorenbarrett said:
This poem sends a message of depression following despair over nonacceptance or rejection. A dark write
March 25th, 2025 18:16
sorenbarrett said:
A clever write with great word usage and so much said in so few words. Lovely
March 1st, 2025 04:37
sorenbarrett said:
A clever write with great word usage and so much said in so few words. Lovely
March 1st, 2025 04:37
Poetic Licence said:
A question we might all ask, interesting write, enjoyed the read
March 1st, 2025 01:51
Poetic Licence said:
A question we might all ask, interesting write, enjoyed the read
March 1st, 2025 01:51
flesh prison
Tooway said:
flesh prison and despised, look fondly on how u lived. Is this in retrospective before your body was a prison or does include the despised era? Thanks, for clarity
March 22nd, 2024 23:12
Tooway said:
flesh prison and despised, look fondly on how u lived. Is this in retrospective before your body was a prison or does include the despised era? Thanks, for clarity
March 22nd, 2024 23:12
What have I to fear?
Cassie58 said:
I guess there comes a time when loved ones have gone, that the thought of death and moving to another realm is accepted without fear. I haven’t got there yet. Your poem allowed me to pause and reflect. I enjoyed my visit Anxious Mane.
March 8th, 2024 22:32
Cassie58 said:
I guess there comes a time when loved ones have gone, that the thought of death and moving to another realm is accepted without fear. I haven’t got there yet. Your poem allowed me to pause and reflect. I enjoyed my visit Anxious Mane.
March 8th, 2024 22:32
my life is trash, i deserve a refund
L. B. Mek said:
but you sure can express yourself, dear kindred soul
we\'ve all been between jobs, and but also,
all felt the high of that promotion,
we\'ve all had car crashes
but then,
immersed ourselves in the smell of our brand new car..
in short, Disaster strikes - often
for some of us,
but we also know, just like we\'ve done before
if we hold-on a little longer
we\'ll be lost in those rare
\'good times\' of life,
try not to compare yourself to societies ideal\'s
instead, give introspection a chance
and truthfully ask yourself
how much of your current situation can you really change or effect?
and what would those changes merit, as tangible influences
to your future\'s trajectory?
ask yourself the simple questions, with sincerity
gather your answers, and build something with strong foundations, not easily effected
by the abundance of random F\'ckry
in the world!
all the best, dear poet
November 12th, 2021 05:27
L. B. Mek said:
but you sure can express yourself, dear kindred soul
we\'ve all been between jobs, and but also,
all felt the high of that promotion,
we\'ve all had car crashes
but then,
immersed ourselves in the smell of our brand new car..
in short, Disaster strikes - often
for some of us,
but we also know, just like we\'ve done before
if we hold-on a little longer
we\'ll be lost in those rare
\'good times\' of life,
try not to compare yourself to societies ideal\'s
instead, give introspection a chance
and truthfully ask yourself
how much of your current situation can you really change or effect?
and what would those changes merit, as tangible influences
to your future\'s trajectory?
ask yourself the simple questions, with sincerity
gather your answers, and build something with strong foundations, not easily effected
by the abundance of random F\'ckry
in the world!
all the best, dear poet
November 12th, 2021 05:27
My Body Remains Untouched
Paul Bell said:
Surprised this didn\'t get any comments. Sometimes in relationships, we just try too bloody hard. Though, we are in the computer age, just put in your interests, and who knows, you maybe a click away from the perfect partner.
October 30th, 2021 09:25
Paul Bell said:
Surprised this didn\'t get any comments. Sometimes in relationships, we just try too bloody hard. Though, we are in the computer age, just put in your interests, and who knows, you maybe a click away from the perfect partner.
October 30th, 2021 09:25
I am a victim of birth
jark said:
you should pleas read this piece by Albert Camus: it is what nihilism always reminds me of.. “I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain. One always finds one\'s burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks. He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night-filled mountain, in itself, forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man\'s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”
October 25th, 2021 20:38
jark said:
you should pleas read this piece by Albert Camus: it is what nihilism always reminds me of.. “I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain. One always finds one\'s burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks. He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night-filled mountain, in itself, forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man\'s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”
October 25th, 2021 20:38
I am a victim of birth
dusk arising said:
WElcome to the human race, it\'s been the same for every one of us. But we grew up and joined in with society.
October 25th, 2021 18:46
dusk arising said:
WElcome to the human race, it\'s been the same for every one of us. But we grew up and joined in with society.
October 25th, 2021 18:46
Nicholas Browning said:
Well, I have a feeling that someone\'s going to Fólkvangr.
July 11th, 2017 00:21
Nicholas Browning said:
Well, I have a feeling that someone\'s going to Fólkvangr.
July 11th, 2017 00:21
End of a Nightmare, Into the Silence
Tony36 said:
Well written and expressed, nobody should ever want to do themselves in. No matter how hard life gets, no matter how dark life gets. There is a bright side, yes you may have to travel a dark road every now and then, but just hold strong and the light will come.
March 1st, 2017 08:44
Tony36 said:
Well written and expressed, nobody should ever want to do themselves in. No matter how hard life gets, no matter how dark life gets. There is a bright side, yes you may have to travel a dark road every now and then, but just hold strong and the light will come.
March 1st, 2017 08:44
demons put this soul to ease
Augustus said:
A tribute to hopelessness. Hang in there. Well,done. Hugs.
February 13th, 2017 00:55
Augustus said:
A tribute to hopelessness. Hang in there. Well,done. Hugs.
February 13th, 2017 00:55
bodily harm
WriteBeLight said:
So graphic! Great work. And thanks for saving my poem today as a favorite. I really appreciate it!
February 6th, 2017 09:02
WriteBeLight said:
So graphic! Great work. And thanks for saving my poem today as a favorite. I really appreciate it!
February 6th, 2017 09:02
Upside-Down Rose
Jooles said:
I think we\'ve all been that flower at times...enjoyed it
February 1st, 2017 03:13
Jooles said:
I think we\'ve all been that flower at times...enjoyed it
February 1st, 2017 03:13
Upside-Down Rose
Mello said:
Just well written. Really deep concept it took me awhile to get it. But well put I have to say.
February 1st, 2017 02:49
Mello said:
Just well written. Really deep concept it took me awhile to get it. But well put I have to say.
February 1st, 2017 02:49
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