Comments received on poems by LilyGoose

Loving Her Kissing Him

Thanks for sharing LILY and your lovely gentle poem expresses the experience of G on G sex perfectly ! I have had BISEXUAL GF\'s and it has never been a problem to me. With JULIA I knew she has a sensual relationship with her flatmate PAULINE but it was never a threat to our relationship because PHYSICALLY and EMOTIONALLY she loved me equally as she loved PAULINE. And at least i knew she was not being porked by some other guy ! Several of my GF\'s have been BI and it has never been a problem ! Thanks ~ BRIAN

December 15th, 2016 19:27

Social Affairs
Tony36 said:

Awesome write

December 13th, 2016 10:10

Social Affairs

WELCOME LG ~ Thanks for sharing an enigmatic frist poem ! Your \"comment\" (with the r-n-r-n interjections) does give us some clues to its meaning. Social negativity ~ sexual relationships ~ inadequacy ~ responsibility in Family relationships. \"Life on Planet Earth\" is a unique privilege but (as you infer) it can be irksome. YES we are individuals but \"no man is an island\" therefore we are always adjunct to others ! Singularity ~ diversity ~ adversity are feelings we all have to share and come to terms with. I can emphasise with you final paragraph ! \"It tooka titanic effort just to be juxtaposed in a maelstrom of a juncture made out of our optimistic fear of pillory proliferation quickly into the opposite of optimism. I just can\'t be what it was you wanted !\" Thank you for caring ~ Yours BRIAN (UK).

December 13th, 2016 06:15