Comments received on poems by colorlessdreams01

Christina8 said:

Welcome to MPS! It sounds like you\'re numb from the breakup. Unfortunately most of us go through it. You will find this site to be very supportive. Hopefully you\'ll keep writing. Thanks for sharing!

January 10th, 2017 13:16


WELCOME CD ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ full of energy and rhythm but with such a sad sad subject. I am old enough (33) to be able to empathise with you ~ BUT ~ I am in a new relationship now and most of the feelings are slowly returning. The senses you describe ~ haunted mind ~ wasted love ~ colourless ~ breathless and NOTHING are he sensations I have experienced ~ more than once ! Thinking of you ~ thanks for sharing ~ Please check my Poems BRIAN.

January 10th, 2017 11:48

Tony36 said:

Great write

January 10th, 2017 09:00