Comments received on poems by Dead Crow

Who Broke the Looking Glass? A Question for Alice.
Cheeky Missy said:

La dee dah. But you do write well! What an awful but perfect depiction! Excellent! Your topics are not the greatest, but so perfectly executed they are a delight to read for their apt portrayals. Marvelous. I enjoyed it!

March 31st, 2011 15:30

H1 ’N Then Some
Cheeky Missy said:

Marvelous! But you are excellently good with your loaded metaphors! Impressive, and although the topic is ever nasty and generally vulgar or flirting with it, it is delightfully well-written. Beautiful.

March 19th, 2011 21:32

H1 ’N Then Some
Shyam said:


March 18th, 2011 06:56

How I Really Feel, AKA Politically F’ing Correct
Cheeky Missy said:

Vulgar, but excellently expressed. Marvelously good point. Delightfully well done, only too vile, yet that is the condition of corrupt mankind having no hope and without God in the world.

March 17th, 2011 22:03

Because Butterscotch Bullets Taste Better
Cheeky Missy said:

Nasty, vile piece of poetry, but these days it has a place. Taking the reader to another world, most likely where some of us would never venture. Fascinating, intriguing, horrible.

March 17th, 2011 21:50