Comments received on poems by rijazrafi

“The Universe I live with….”
Zarhgon said:

This is a wonderful poem, thank you for posting it! There\'s a deep-set and heartfelt feeling to it that is inescapable; a thank you to mothers everywhere, for all they do, I love it.

March 22nd, 2017 02:35

“The Universe I live with….”

WELCOME RIJAZ ~ Thanks for an elegant first poem ~ with an awesome topic ~ MOMS ! You have descibed very aptly the love ~ concern ~ joy and protection our MOMS have for us 24/7 all day and every day. I too have the BEST MOM in the World ! Thanks for caring and sharing ~ Yours BRIAN (UK). Please check my poems ~ thanks B.

March 22nd, 2017 02:22