Randall Jarrell biography


Randall Jarrell was born in Nashville, Tennessee on May 6, 1914, but spent his early childhood in Los Angeles, only returning to Tennessee after his parents divorced. He graduated from Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, and soon after took a job as a teaching assistant at Kenyon College in Ohio. During his years at Vanderbilt and Kenyon, he studied with ...

Eliza Acton biography


Look for information about Eliza Acton today, and you'll find thousands of references to her 1845 cookbook, Modern Cookery for Private Families. She is generally acknowledged to have been the first writer of cookbooks to use the convention of listing all ingredients for a recipe at its start, making it far easier to follow the recipe through to the ...

John McCrae biography


John McCrae was born November 30, 1872, in Guelph, Ontario. He began writing poetry while he was still a student at Guelph Collegiate Institute, and continued writing throughout his life. He graduated from Guelph at age 16, and won a scholarship to attend the University of Toronto, the first Guelph student ever to do so. By that time, he'd ...

Arthur Symons biography


Arthur Symons was born in 1865, the son of a Cornish preacher in Wales. He moved around a great deal throughout his childhood, prompting him to later write that he had never had the kind of childhood that most children do, staying long enough in one place for it to "become a part of him". Because of the frequent moving, Symons schooling ...