Sonibyte Poem of the Day

I"m not often one to follow media hype to something slick and commercial. I"m always the last one on the block to read the current bestseller out of sheer stubbornness - and this press release that showed up in my mailbox really nicked at my resistance to commercializing art. Then again - it"s a poem a day project so I had to ...

Kids and Poetry Blogging

Want to do something really special this year? How about inspiring a young poet and encouraging them to keep on with their writing? For many adults, poetry was something we memorized in school, often taught by someone who had about as much interest in trophes and iambs and lyrical feet as we did. That sort of teaching made for a healthy dislike of anything bearing ...

Poetry and Medicine

In the United Kingdom, they take these things seriously enough that the National Health Service funds poets in residence at hospitals and clinics. They pay good money to put poetry in doctors" waiting rooms and bring poets in to work with patients undergoing traumatic illness. Poetry, they say, is therapeutic, and they are willing to put their money where their mouths ...

Poetry Superhighway

Double-scoop on the great poetry places on the web this week. Rick Lupert has been hosting one of the longest running poetry readings in the LA area since 1994 (That would be the Cobalt Cafe for those of you close enough to drop in on a Tuesday night), and building and maintaining the Poetry Superhighway since 1997. PSH is one of the ...

Weekly Blogger: Operation Poem

The blog I"m featuring this week is different - and this profile and interview will be different as well. On June 28, blogger Michelle EO posted : For every brave soldier that lost life in the war in Iraq, we will write a poem. Thus starts Operation Poem, a log with a heartfelt purpose - to honor servicemen who lose their lives in Iraq. ...