The Weekly Blogger: Mike Snider’s Sonnetarium

To begin reading Mike Snider"s blog at Sonnetarium is to step into his mind, and into his life. Don"t get me wrong - Sonnetarium is not someone"s personal journal full of "what I did today" type ephemera. Snider is open and candid, and his writing style leads you on and on as if you were sitting in a comfortable chair in a friend"s living ...

The 24 Hour Poem

What happens when you invite poets from all around the world to a party that lasts all day? If you plan it right and advertise it right, you just may come up with The 24 Hour Poem. That was the plan two years ago when the staff at LitKicks announced The 24 Hour Poetry Party to celebrate their 10th anniversary. They started things off by ...

Three Blogs

Something a little different this week. Instead of one featured blog with an interview, I"m tossing three interesting poetry blogs at you. I"ll even be perfectly honest and admit that it"s because - what with the holiday weekend and all - I never did manage to catch up with one single blogger to talk with them about their work and why they do what they ...

The Weekly Blogger: The PoetGuru Podcast

The PoetGuru Podcast: Day # = Lines in a Poem ( Thom Ingram has been blogging about poetry since December 9, 2002. I know this because he started hunting for his earlier blogging sites while we were talking in IM tonight and was stunned to find this: 9th December 2002 8:56am: Welcome to the Poem A Day Project Welcome, hello and good day! The goal of this ...

The Weekly Blogger: Bud Bloom Poetry

Blog: Bud Bloom Poetry Blogger: Rus Bowden Updated: Daily Content: Commentary, musing, reviews, poetry What He Reads: Books, Inq. by Frank Wilson Last night we spoke with Bud Bloom, who blogs at Bud Bloom Poetry about poetry and blogging and ghosts and poetry and more poetry. We"d been talking for a while here at Poems-and-Poetry about doing a weekly "Blogs We Read and Love" feature, and when ...