News has reached My Poetic Side of the passing of poet Liu Xiaobo. Born on 28th December 1955 in Changchun, Jilin, Liu Xiaobo was a Chinese writer, literary critic, and poet. He is possibly best known for his role as a human rights activist, the role that he played in calling for political reforms in China and his involvement in campaigns to ...
With stories from across the globe surrounding both old and newly discovered poets, we bring you today's news roundup.
Poet gains Master’s Degree from fifth top University
South African born poet, Athol Williams, was awarded a distinction this week from Oxford University, bringing his total Masters degrees tally to 5 – with degrees from University of Witwatersrand, Massachusetts’ Institute for Technology, Harvard and the ...
Today"s news covers an import memorial, news of a search for Orlando"s 1st Poet Laureate and poet Vanessa Evers" first foray into theatre.
Memorial poem for Henry David Thoreau"s 200th Birthday
To celebrate the 200th birthday on July 12th of celebrated poet Henry David Thoreau, Robert Chute, Professor Emeritus of Biology and acclaimed Maine poet, has written ...
News has reached us of the passing of Rudy Kikel, ages 75, at his home in Jamaica Plain.
He won numerous awards and accolades, and as well as publishing five collections of his own and editing two others, he was also the editor of Bay Windows, a Boston based gay community newspaper.
There are universal themes that all gay men and women will recognise ...
Born 4th March 1954, Ukrainian-born Ratushinskaya – Ukraine was then part of the Soviet Union – graduated from Odessa University in 1976 as a physicist. She was a school teacher, marrying a fellow physicist, and had a strong Christian faith.
On the face of it, her upbringing and love of poetry did not make her the natural dissident. But Ratushinskaya was imprisoned for ...