Sully Prudhomme Poems


Sully Prudhomme, the French essayist and poet in 1901, had the honour of winning the first Nobel Prize for Literature. Born René François Armand Prudhomme on the 16th March 1839 in Paris, little is recorded about his upbringing but it is known that he was originally studying engineering but he changed streams and studied philosophy instead. When he later took an interest in the Parnassus school of poetry, it ...

Rex Ingamells Poems


Rex Ingamells was a 20th century Australian poet whose major achievement was the formation, in 1937, of the Jindyworobak Movement. This was a nationalist literary group, made up of white Australian writers which began in Adelaide. Their sole aim was to promote Indigenous Australian culture, focusing on their ideas, customs and poetry, and to discourage the influx of “alien art” into the country. He was born ...

Richard Brinsley Sheridan Poems


Richard Brinsley Sheridan was a famous Irish-born playwright and poet, best known for his stage plays The School for Scandal and The Rivals. For many years he owned and managed the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, located in London’s West End. In addition to his literary pursuits he also found time to be a Member of Parliament, serving the Whig party in three ...

Richard Corbet Poems


Richard Corbet, whose name is sometimes spelled Corbett, was an English metaphysical poet and a Church of England bishop. His poetry is seldom heard of these days but he was known as a popular and witty writer during his lifetime. He was born some time during the year 1582 in the Twickenham area which lies to the south west of London. He was ...

Richard Garnett Poems


Richard Garnett, C.B. was an English poet and biographer who also specialised in philology, a science which combines literary criticism with the history of linguistics. He worked throughout his entire life as a librarian at the British Museum in London, rising to the position of Keeper of Printed Books from the age of 55 until his retirement. His work as a senior civil ...