Elizabeth Daryush Poems


The English poet Elizabeth Daryush attracted a fair amount of criticism for the “proper” language that she used, and the style that she adopted, when writing her poems. She should not be blamed for it though as she grew up during Victorian and Edwardian times where it was perfectly normal for a young woman of her background to write in the way that ...

Elizabeth Akers Allen Poems


To use her full name, the three times-married Elizabeth Anne Chase Akers Allen (she retained her maiden name and the last two of her married names) was an American poet and journalist who travelled widely in Europe during the 19th century. She worked as a journalist for several publications while writing and publishing a number of collections of poems. She is best ...

Edwin Arnold Poems


Sir Edwin Arnold was a 19th century English poet, teacher and journalist who spent a great deal of his time on the Indian sub-continent and in the Far East. He developed a deep interest in Eastern religions and his most famous, though controversial, piece of work was The Light of Asia. It was basically about the life and influence of the Buddha ...

Edward Young Poems


Born in 1683 in Upham near Winchester, Edward Young is perhaps one of the lesser recognized English poets of the time. He is now mostly known for a single work, Night Thoughts, though he was a prolific writer who produced a number of popular poems. He was raised in a moderately wealthy family with his father rising to the clerical heights ...

Edward Shanks Poems


Born in 1892 in London, Edward Shanks was a poet and writer who began publishing verses during the First World War and was also known for his innovative work in science fiction. He was a prolific writer and highly respected for his poetry, being the first recipient of the literary award the Hawthornden Prize established by philanthropist Alice Warrender in 1919. Like ...