John Henry Newman Poems


John Henry Newman was a devoutly religious, 19th century Englishman who was originally captivated by the Calvinist evangelical movement but who eventually moved towards the High Church of England and then Catholicism. Such was his status that he became known as Cardinal Newman and Blessed John Henry Newman. An Oxford academic and teacher, he was also responsible for writing a number of ...

Chidiock Tichborne Poems


The tragic figure of Chidiock Tichborne is famous either for his martyrdom as a devout Catholic or for being part of a terrorist plot to kill the reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth I. He had lived a short life in the 16th century practicing, along with his parents, Catholicism at a time when to do so was becoming increasingly dangerous. With the Queen ...

Edgar Bowers Poems


Edgar Bowers was a 20th century American poet whose poetry output, though relatively modest, won him two Guggenheim Foundation fellowships and a Bollingen prize for poetry. It was said that his experiences in Germany at the end of the Second World War, where he served in Counter Intelligence, had a profound effect on both his life and his writing. He remained in ...

Dame Edith Sitwell Poems


Born in 1887, poet and critic Dame Edith Sitwell was born into a family where she was left unloved by her well to do parents and spent much of her youth under the influence of her governess, Helen Rootham. Sitwell suffered from health problems from an early age and was put into an iron frame when it was diagnosed that ...

Charles Hanson Towne Poems


Born in 1877 in Kentucky, Charles Hanson Towne was probably as widely known for his New York urbanite lifestyle as his poetic works. He wanted to become a writer from an early age and even produced a magazine with some of his friends when he was just eleven years old. Not much is known about Towne’s childhood with the exception ...