Konstantin Simonov Poems


Born in Petrograd in 1915, Konstantin Simonov was known largely for his moral boosting poetry written during the Second World War. His father was a member of the Tzar's army but left for Poland after the 1917 revolution, dying there a few years later. Simonov spent much of his childhood near Moscow in the town of Ryazan where his stepfather worked ...

Letitia Elizabeth Landon Poems


Born in London in 1802, Letitia Elizabeth Landon went on to become a writer and poet who published under the initials L.E.L. for much of her short life. She was hailed by the likes of Elizabeth Barrett Browning as one of the leading lights of women’s poetry in the 19th century. As a child she exhibited a voracious appetite for ...

Leo Marks Poems


Born in London in 1920, Leo Marks gained fame as a cryptographer during World War II but was also a poet and a screenwriter of some repute later in life. Marks was educated at St Paul’s School in London but did not go to University as many of his peers did. He was the son of a bookseller and became interested in ...

Lucretius Poems


Understandably there is very little recorded about the life of the Roman philosopher and poet Lucretius because he was born before the birth of Christ. One thing that is fairly certain though is that he wrote one poem of great length which he called De rerum natura. This was based on the teachings and beliefs of a Greek philosopher called Epicurus who ...

Margaret Postgate Cole Poems


Margaret Postgate Cole was a significant figure in the Socialist movement in Britain during the early decades of the 20th century. Besides writing many pamphlets and publishing books on socialism she actively engaged in political activities, notably during the First World War. She joined the peace movement, supporting those men who refused to fight. A member of the No-Conscription Fellowship, along with ...