Hamlin Garland Poems


Born in 1860 in Wisconsin, Hamlin Garland was a prolific writer and was most well-known for the popular tales he told about farming communities in the State as well as his later collection of biographical memoirs. During his youth he traveled around with his family and stayed on numerous farms before moving out on his own to settle in Boston where ...

Heberto Padilla Poems


Born in Puerta de Golpe, Cuba, in 1932, poet and writer Heberto Padilla is perhaps closely associated with the Cuban revolution and the lack of tolerance towards writers, artists and intellectuals under the rule of Fidel Castro. For that reason more than any, Padilla has long been linked with controversy in the country, particularly when in 1971 he was put in ...

Jean Ingelow Poems


Novel writer and poet Jean Ingelow was born in 1820 in Lincolnshire, the daughter of a local banker, her mother originally from Scotland. Brought up initially in Boston, the family moved during her childhood to Ipswich before finally settling in London where Ingelow would spend most of the rest of her life. Whilst she could never compete with the literary heights ...

Harriet Monroe Poems


Harriet Monroe was an American poet and a passionate supporter of up and coming young poets. She was the founder and editor of the influential Poetry: A Magazine of Verse which was a vehicle for new poets to get nationwide exposure. She gave a helping hand to poets such as William Carlos Williams, T S Eliot and Ezra Pound. ...

George Sterling Poems


George Sterling was, in his time, an acclaimed California-based playwright and poet who had famous mentors to lean on such as Ina Coolbrith and Ambrose Bierce. He was, according to many of his friends in his literary circle, the “uncrowned King of Bohemia” which referred to his regular presence in The Bohemian Club. This was a private gentlemen’s club that was set ...