Robert Southwell Poems


Born around 1561, Robert Southwell was a Catholic priest who wrote poetry and was one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales who were arrested, tortured and put to death by the state. Brought up amidst the Norfolk gentry of the time, Southwell enjoyed a privileged beginning to life, despite his family having Catholic sympathies. In 1576, Southwell went to Northern ...

Richard Crashaw Poems


Strongly linked with the Metaphysical Poets, Richard Crashaw was born around 1612 in London and brought up in a broadly anti-Catholic family. He was a man of great piety and prone to long periods of prayer who was known for his serious approach to religion which finally led him away from the Anglicism of his youth to embrace Catholic doctrine. From 1631, ...

Pedro Salinas Poems


Born in Madrid in 1891, Pedro Salinas was a poet who was well-known for being part of the Generation of ’27, an influential group of poets in the 1920s that included Rafael Alberti and Emilio Prados. Brought up in the hustle and bustle of the city, his father died when he was just 8 years old. Salinas attended at Colegio Hispano-Francés before ...

Anna Laetitia Barbauld Poems


At a time in history when female published writers were very rare, Anna Laetitia Barbauld stood out with her English Romantic style of writing poetry. She also produced a number of essays, including works on political subjects, and was a noted children's author. She was certainly outspoken, even into her late sixties, and she fell foul of literary society when she published a ...

Arthur Symons Poems


Arthur Symons was a British poet whose output was cut short due to a severe mental breakdown in his 40s.  Additionally he was a literary critic and, for a short time, he edited the influential, but short lived, Savoy magazine. Between 1895 and 1896 he collaborated with Aubrey Beardsley and Leonard Smithers on this art and literature publication which had such a ...