Alan Dugan Poems


Alan Dugan was an American poet who published seven volumes of poetry over a forty year period from 1961-2001 and picked up countless honours and awards along the way. His poetry style was generally considered to be the down to earth, plain speaking type and one reviewer compared the language he used as being like that of “your typical bartender”. No flowery ...

David Ignatow Poems


David Ignatow was an American poet who was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. While many other writers have used travel to broaden their minds and experiences, Ignatow saw all the life he needed to see in New York City and stayed close to home, writing in a direct, down to earth style that appealed to his readers. There was no ...

B. H. Fairchild Poems


B.H. Fairchild is a multi-award winning American poet who has made a career out of fusing his experiences growing up amongst “blue collar,” mid-Western industrial landscapes with so-called “high art”. A Los Angeles Times review of his 2009 collection of poetry, which he called Usher: Poems, described Fairchild’s writing as: “….gritty meets exalted and gets the shadows just right.” This curious amalgam ...

Lew Welch Poems


Lew Welch was an American poet who led a short and sometimes troubled life spanning the middle decades of the 20th century. He was inspired to write when at college through studying the work of Gertrude Stein, and she was the subject of his senior thesis when graduating in 1950. His time at college was spent with fellow “Beat Generation” poets ...

Mao Zedong Poems


Mao Zedong was one of the most influential and significant individuals in the whole history of China. He was founder of the People’s Republic of China and chairman of the Chinese Communist Party from 1949 until his death 27 years later. His political ideologies were founded on Marxist and Leninist theories. His strategy of government and military rule was known as Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. ...