Anaïs Nin Poems


Anaïs Nin was an unconventional poet.  Her work did not come in the form of verse or rhyming couplets.  She was, in fact, best known for her diaries and journals, many of which were not published in full until after her death.  She led what most would describe as a “Bohemian” life style including being married to two men at the same ...

Anne Spencer Poems


Anne Spencer was an influential, African-American poet whose long life spanned the end of the 19th and much of the 20th century.  Along with compatriots like Countee Cullen and Langston Hughes, Anne wrote about the struggles of black people to establish themselves in America.  She was one of the driving forces behind the Harlem Renaissance and New Negro Movements of ...

A. R. Ammons Poems


The American poet Archie Randolph Ammons was one of those writers that defies categorisation. He wrote in an unusual style, sometimes without any punctuation. In fact one of his poems, the book-length Garbage, appears to be just one, elongated sentence which has been divided into sections and couplets. Despite being a piece of work that some might have difficulty reading and enjoying, ...

Randall Jarrell Poems


Irreverent and witty, poet Randall Jarrell was born in Nashville in 1914 and is often better known as critic who had a definite streak of cruelness when he was writing about poets that he didn’t much care for. Known for his plain speaking style, Jarrell went on to become the Library of Congress consultant in poetry, a role which later became ...

Paul Valery Poems


Poet Paul Valery was born in the Mediterranean town of Sete in 1871 before moving to the French city of Montpelier where he spent the majority of his childhood. Throughout his life and beyond, Valery was a poet, essayist and writer who was largely difficult to categorize. He grew out of the symbolist tradition of the time and was greatly influenced ...