St Nerses the Gracious Poems


St Nerses the Gracious was a 12th century Armenian poet, hymn writer and priest. He is known by other names, such as Nerses IV the Gracious, Nerses Shnorhali or Nerses of Kla.  His great desire was to unify the Christian faiths through his teaching and his writing and the name Shnorhali was given to him because of his irenic style and quality of ...

Stefan Anton George Poems


Stefan Anton George, a German who translated a number of works by Baudelaire, Dante and Shakespeare into German was predominantly a poet that also edited literary magazines. He was born  in Büdesheim on the 12th July 1868, a place which now forms a piece of Bingen in the Rhineland-Palatinate, the son of a wine merchant and inn keeper. He completed his education at the age of 20, and ...

Stephan G. Stephansson Poems


Stephan G. Stephansson was an Icelandic-Canadian poet and farmer. His literary output was substantial and was certainly enough for him to be considered one of Iceland’s greatest writers. He was born Stefán Guðmundur Guðmundsson on the 3rd October 1853 in Skagafjörður, Iceland. He had no formal education but was self-taught. His parents instilled into him the ethic of hard work and he continued with this all ...

Stephen Foster Poems


Stephen Foster was an 18th century American poet and songwriter who was so popular that is referred to as "the father of American music”. He wrote songs over 150 years ago that are standards today, and are known and sung all over the world.   So many of his songs have appeared in stage productions and American films. Almost anyone, young or old, ...

Stephen Hawes Poems


Stephen Hawes was a popular poet in Tudor England whose work was well known and admired in the 15th and 16th centuries, but much less so nowadays. His work was greatly inspired by allegorical poetry and medieval romantic pieces from earlier times. Details about his early life are quite sketchy but it is believed that he was born somewhere in Suffolk, but this is ...