Theodore O’Hara Poems


Theodore O'Hara was a 19th century American poet, lawyer, civil servant and long-serving army officer who participated in both the Civil War and the Mexican-American War. Not surprisingly, his best known poem was one about military conflict called Bivouac of the Dead. Words from this can often be found on gravestones throughout the country. He was born on the 11th February 1820 in ...

Thomas Babington Macaulay Poems


Thomas Babington Macaulay, also known as the1st Baron Macaulay PC, was a 19th century poet and historian who wrote a number of books on British and Roman history that critics have declared to be literary masterpieces. Alongside his considerable achievements as a writer Macaulay served as a government minister in two separate posts when the Whig party were in office. He was born on the ...

Thomas Bailey Aldrich Poems


Thomas Bailey Aldrich was an American poet, novelist and literary critic, and for a number of years he was editor of The Atlantic Monthly, the famous magazine that was created in 1857 to comment on the latest cultural and literary issues. It is still published today, but with the shorter title of The Atlantic. He was born on the 11th November 1836 in Portsmouth, ...

Thomas Buchanan Read Poems


Thomas Buchanan Read was a 19th century poet and prose writer who also had a remarkable talent for portrait painting. The image above was a self-portrait. He was a very popular writer during his lifetime with his work often hitting just the right note to stimulate feelings of great patriotism amongst American readers. He was born on the 12th March 1822 in a ...

Srecko Kosovel Poems


Srecko Kosovel was a Slovenian poet of the early 20th century who held strong political views regarding the enforced annexation of his country by neighbouring Italy. He led a tragically short life, succumbing to illness at the age of 22. However, in his short time as a writer, he secured a reputation as an expressionist and satirical poet, and an advocate of Dadaism. He ...