Thomas Weelkes Poems


Thomas Weelkes was an English musician, poet and composer of mostly religious themed pieces, including madrigals and anthems. His skill as an organist was recognised first at Winchester College and then at the prestigious Chichester Cathedral. His date of birth is unclear but it is known that he was baptised on the 25th October 1576 in his home village of Elsted which lies close ...

Thomas William Heney Poems


Thomas William Heney was an Australian poet and novelist who also worked as a journalist for different newspapers around the country from the age of sixteen onwards. He was also an occasionally acerbic literary critic and yet he was a gentle, modest man who took his responsibilities as a newspaper editor seriously. He was born on the 3rd November 1862 in Sydney, the ...

Thomas Yalden Poems


Thomas Yalden was a poet and Church of England minister who produced a number of religious pieces and translations from classic works. He was born on the 2nd January 1670 in Oxford, although some reports suggest that his place of birth was Exeter.   He was educated at an Oxford city grammar school and then at Magdalen College where he studied first as a commoner ...

Timothy Dwight Poems


Timothy Dwight was an American poet and writer of hymns as well as being a minister in the Congregational church and an academic. During the last 22 years of his life he served as President of Yale College. One of his best known poems, The Conquest of Canaan, had the distinction, when written in 1785, of being the first true American epic poem. He ...

Thomas Ernest Hulme Poems


Thomas Ernest Hulme, often referred to as T. E. Hulme, was an English poet who was also an art and literary critic and occasional writer of political articles. He lived at a tragic time for the world of course and was one of the growing movement of modernist writers and artists whose work was influenced by the onset of the First World ...