This Week In Poetry

marty mcconnellIf you”re going to be anywhere in the neighborhood of Providence, Rhode Island this coming Tuesday night, you have GOT to be at Reflections Cafe on Wickendon Street. That”s the night that Patricia Smith will be featuring at the GotPoetry Live reading – and Patricia Smith reading her poetry is something not to be missed. I”ve written about Smith here before, and I promised then that I”d share dates when I had them. So here goes – Patricia Smith featuring at GotPoetry Live on Sept 5. Be there. If you miss her there…

Sept 11 louderEDGE: Patricia Smith”s BOOK LAUNCH PARTY + OPEN MIC

— Don”t miss the NYC launch of Patricia Smith”s latest book, “Teahouse of the Almighty,” which won the incredibly prestigious National Poetry Prize Don”t say no one told you.

If you”re in Boston on Monday, the place to be is MIT – yes, the high-tech school, proving that technology and poetry are not mutually exclusive. The Intercollegiate Poetry Slam is an outdoor, professionally emceed, poetry slam open to any student with a mind for performance and a heart for the spoken word. There will be both individual and team slam categories, as well as cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

Please come support the world of poetry at the collegiate level. The event will take place outside at the Kresge Oval on MIT”s campus in Cambridge, MA. For information on participation, please contact Victor Sinow at [email protected]

Boston isn”t the only venue featuring poetry on Labor Day. If you”re in St. Paul, drop by The Artist”s Quarter for the opening of their 2006-2007 Poetry Slam Season, with feature Bao Phi. For more information, drop by the web site.

On Sunday night at the Java Hut, Poetry Asylum will feature the astonishing Marty McConnell. Want to know more about Marty? Check here.. or get a taste of what you”ll hear tomorrow night here...

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