Help > Private messages

Through private messages, you can get in touch directly with other users of My Poetic Side.


To go to your inbox, where the private messages you’ve been sent are located, we have to click on the link “Inbox” that appears once you place your mouse cursor over your profile picture on the top right navigation menu. In blue, there’s the number of messages you haven’t read so far.


To read a private message, we have to click on the Subject.


To reply a message, we just have to click on “Reply“, located on top and bottom of every message while reading them.


To send a private message, one of the options is to click on “SEND A MESSAGE. With this method, we can choose the recipient from a list. Only users in our friends list will appear on this list. We can’t get in touch with users who aren’t friends with us this way.


However, we can contact any user by clicking on the “Contact” link that appears on the profile of each person.