"Give me light, God irrefutable,
Inexplicable architect of the universe,
Creator of fate and recognition,
Tempest of breath, central ability,
The deacon of your Holy Table Mesrob,
For his great foggy dream
Pleads for lucidity from your hands...!
Help me, great gift-giving wisdom,
I, a staff-less shepherd for your great sermon,
I, pitiful mortal, I, pale steward
Of my formidable Haygazian race...
I, ignorant scribe, I, illegitimate monk,
I, non-floating flag for your faithful masses,
I, gift-less reciter and rainless husbandman,
I, blind fountain and humpback for your glory,
Plead for light for my shepherd-less flock...!
Help me, chaste God...!
I, miserable searcher and futile explorer,
I, untalented inspector and barren molecule,
I, ladder-less hermit and flight-less orator,
Bitter-smiled wanderer and dumb student,
Daydreaming lost rover and ungifted visioner,
I, bounded window and closed door,
I, iron wave crushing against my soul,
I, cemetery guard and accountant of the dead,
I, reaper of wheat longing for your fiery bread...
I, roofless night sleeper and jar-less thirsty,
I, lonely cultivator lost in the thistles,
I, ray-less dusk, wire-less lyre,
For the still mute soul of the Haygazians
I plead for a Key of explanation...!
Help me, father of Elements,
I, blurry eye and impenetrable vision,
Empty-headed listener and ear for bad news,
Unharmonious musician and mild-voiced singer...
I, non-farming field man, wine-distributing warehouse,
I, uninvited guest to the wedding of Jesus,
I, oil-less light-giver and book-less thinker,
I, non-affectionate caresser and love-deprived lover,
I, charm-less preacher and stoned Christian,
Dowry-bringing poor and gold-less rich...
I, kiss-less lip and soul-less sober,
I, love-less heart and imperfect virginity,
I, direction-less walker and swaying traveler...
From your lighthouses of salvation give me a drop of light...!
And with your spiritual heavenly doors
Let the doors of life open like paradise...
Help me, infinite God...!
I, murmur-less brook and hindered waterfall...
I, uneducated teacher and irresolute monk,
I, still ungraduated principal of scholarship,
I, falling curtain over consciences...
I, a somber wall, prisoner of hell,
I, lost splinter, infertile seed...
Bush-filled path, snaky underground road...
I, inhospitable inn and mattress-less nearly-dead...
Do not refuse me the light of your lamp...!
Help me, general principle,
For baptism, I am a pond without chrism,
I, half-ruined courtyard of prayer,
I, plow-less farmer, scythe-less harvester,
I, perfume-less anointer and bitter-tasting oil,
I, balm-less physician and muslin-less bandage,
I, broken lantern and thirsty wick,
I, storm-beaten forest and tear-dropping willow...
I, unshaven timber and moldy log,
I, earth-made censer and unsmokable incense,
I, grape-less vine and contagious oats,
I, untruthful forehead and crooked hand,
I, incompetent clergyman and Sacrament-less priest,
I, caravan-less desert fuming in my solitude,
Give me a visit...!
Help me, O incomparable law,
I, indecisive man and hopeless person...
I, terror-stricken individual and confused breather,
I, wind-worn from swaying in doubt,
Non-hearable scream and echo-less trumpet...
I, dead leaf falling down from the autumns...
I, dried branch and smell-less rose bush,
I, phantom of intelligence,
I, intellectually shallow and a bowing mind,
Sobbing under the arches of your church
Across from your Christian people
I, of your great Book the Bible,
Foreign-tongued reader and unfamiliar translator...
Help me, boundless Knowingness,
Super-mighty Lord, infinite inventor,
Zenith of light, unwrinkled meaning,
Heavenly water, space-less soul,
Non-counting distributor, sluice of dreams,
May your lighted covering of recognition
Float upon my ruined shoulder,
And on this evening of vigils, sobbing and prayers,
This fortieth night,
God immutable, God shore-less,
Stretch your Creator's hand to my brain
To knead my invention there..."
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