What Day is it Today?


“What day is it today?” she asked,

As she asks many times a day.

I replied,

“Today is Friday,

Which is the day before Saturday,

Which is the day before Sunday,

And Sunday,

Is the day after Saturday,

Which is the day after Friday,

And Friday is today”

She looked at me,

Her face filled with laughter.

Laughter the most powerful medicine

That I could give to my loved one.

  • Author: Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 18th, 2018 01:25
  • Comment from author about the poem: Laughter is so important in sad situations.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 18
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  • orchidee

    Oh lol, a fine write Gold. I'm still looking for 'tomorrow'. When it gets here, it's 'today'! Hmmm. Strange that.


    Thanks ANDY: Like BRIAN I love the sound & rhythm & tempo of JAZZ. It always lifts my Spirits. Loved you POEM in my Job as a Masseuse to the Elderly I deal with many Ladies, mainly in Retirement Homes with DEMENTIA and we always have a laugh. My favourite song when massaging is RUB A DUB DUB : THREE MEN IN A TUB! They know all the words and love to sing along. Every BLESSING : Love to JOYCE - ANGELA XXXX

  • Laura🌻


    Your write is spot on!
    My mom asks the same
    exact question every
    morning at the breakfast
    table...in Italian even though she can speak English!

    As Yogi Berra proclaimed,
    “It’s déjà vu all over again!”

    Patience, patience, patience...

    I read your poem to my aunt this morning! Guess what she said? “That sounds like your mom and you teasing her.”
    Love to Joyce and you!


    P.S.- My mom is not afflicted with dementia. She deals with short term memory loss. Her long term memory is amazing!

  • FineB

    Thanks Goldfinch60.

    A lovely poem. Laughter is important all the time to help get us through life.

    Keep writing

  • dusk arising

    Blessed is the bringer of joy.

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