NEW ZEALAND TRIP : ANGELA : An Acrostic 3 7 4 Sonnet






NEW ZEALAND is very unique

Everythings upside dongi

WINTER instead of the SUMMER


ZEN becomes NEZ in the HONGI !

Even the NZ Water : down the plughole

ANTICLOCKWISE flows : and when you Greet a Maori

Let Him know you respect Him

And His Customs : accept them

NO shake handies : but RUB NOSE to NOSE 

Dont do the HONGI* : No get the HANGI*


The KIWIS & MAORIS : I met

Really nice People at Home or the Street

Id love to live in AUCKLAND with my BRIAN

Please PRAY that He agree : I keep on tryin !


Thanks enjoy NEW ZEALAND & comment : Love ANGELA XXX 


* HONGI ritual greeting by rubbing noses

* HANGI Maori meal cooked in Hot Earth

It took me a Month to adapt to NEW ZEALAND !

The VIDEO is for BRIAN to encourage HIM

to EMIGRATE to NZ when we get married in

2020. NZ was voted "Best Place in the World"

to raise a FAMILY : AMEN : Love ANGELA XXXX  



  • Author: BRIANSODES (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 28th, 2018 01:26
  • Category: Friendship
  • Views: 194
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  • orchidee

    A fine write B&A.


      THANKS STEVE ~ Pleased you enjoyed it ~ I do my best to promote NZ ! There are only a few slots left on our FUSION ~ HAIKU & SENRYU ~ dont mis the BOAT ~ Yours BRIAN & ANGELA

    • Goldfinch60

      It appears to me that you seem to like New Zealand. LOL.

      • BRIAN & ANGELA

        Thanks ANDY ~ EVERYONE who visits NZ loves it a lots and spreads the message ! I have been FOUR TIMES and I give talks on "NZ and its Poeple" . I always play NOW IS THE HOUR at the end and those that have loved ones rhere always shed a few tears ! David & Ruth and Angela & I can afford to travel and we think it is money well spent ! I do LOVE NZ and I try to encourage others to visit ~ OK Yours BRIAN & ANGELA

      • Fay Slimm.

        New Zealand's people being so friendly are a big draw to the visitor - thanks Angela for this further share of the customs which gives a clear picture of the pleasures New Zealand offers to all who enter her boundaries. Keep having fun in the land of the low white cloud.

        • BRIAN & ANGELA

          Thanks FAY pleased you are enjoying them! ANDY calls them POSTCARDS from NEW ZEALAND! I am really enjoyed my first three Months here (missed B of course!) and I am learning so so much about the Culture (K & M) the People and the Country. Having BRAIN with me to tour N Island for two weeks is a real BONUS! Love & Blessings : ANGELA XXXX 🧡

        • Christina8

          i vote that you get married in 2019!!!!!! 🙂 Wonderful write!

          • BRIAN & ANGELA

            Thanks CHRIS : Uncle Andy calls them POSTCARDS from NZ! Pleased you enjoyed the Poem & Video. In some ways (since we got engaged) BRIAN & I feel like we are married already, but being GOOD CHRISTIANS we have to be properly married in CHURCH before we can cohabit (weve had single beds on this trip!) and start a Family! If I had not had this opportunity to spend a YEAR in NZ we would have married at EASTER 2019 but I will be here now (due to my involvement in the Training Programme) until October 2019 so the date is fixed for EASTER 2020 so please be patient : OK. All my Love to You & Yours ANG🧡ELA XXXX

            • Christina8

              OK, patience it is. Not my strong suit! LOL Love and prayers to you both!

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