I’m still here...


Can you hear me 

Through the trees

Can you hear my voice in that gentle breeze


Can you feel my warmth from the sun

Can you see my smile when a new life you created has begun 


Can you feel my sadness with the falling rain

Wanting to comfort you 

To see and hear you laugh again


Can you hear my wisdom when things are going wrong

Can you feel my blessings to you all in certain songs 


Can you hear me laughing when you are having fun

Can you find my guiding solutions

When you think

That there is none


Can you feel my hand on top of yours

Can you see I gave you many opening doors 

Can you feel my hug 

when you are on the floor

Can you hear me say 

I will always love and miss you more 


I am not gone I’m still here Everyday 

Listen to my whispers

I’m with each of you

Every step of the way

  • Author: misskay (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 3rd, 2018 10:03
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 18
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  • orchidee

    Cooeeee, I'm still 'ere too. I hang around..… like a bad smell?! heehee. A fine write misskay.

  • misskay

    Thank you lovely Ht x
    Lol orchidee not at all! And thank you x


    This is a beautiful poem KAY ! It suggests the "ever presence" of one who has gone on to another Astral Plane. Voice ~ warmth ~ smile ~ sadnness ~ blessing ~ laughing ~ guiding ~ open doors ~ hugging ~ love & missing you ! Or it could be Your Guardian Angel ?
    When we are together ANGELA & I do all those things with & for each other. Now we are (11,500 miles) apart for seven Months ~ I can still feel Her with Me (and ME with HER ) DAY by DAY by DAY ~ AMEN 🧡 Love BRIAN 🧡

  • Goldfinch60

    Super loving write misskay.

  • misskay

    Thank you Brian,
    I will pray that the time passes quickly until you’re both together again ❤️
    Goldfinch, I’m so pleased you like it x

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