DAYS OF THE WEEK : ANGELA : A 7 7 Sonnet as an Inverted Columnette !





MONDAY : No Funday

TUESDAY : Museday 

WEDNESDAY : Mittwoch

THURSDAY : Curseday

FRIDAY : Myday !

SATURDAY : Mad as a Hatterday 

SUNDAY : Holy Holy Funday

Holy Holy Funday : SUNDAY 

Mad as a Hatterday : SATURDAY

Myday ! : FRIDAY

Curseday : THURSDAY

Mittwoch : WEDNESDAY

Museday : TUESDAY

No fundday : MONDAY


Thanks for perusing : I hope you appreciated the

logic of this ODE : comments please : ANGELA🧡🧡🧡


All the ROMANCE LANGUAGES (even Romanian !) are

very similar.  If you master one (In My case and Brians

Spanish) the others are easy to learn ! German is based

on Anglo-Saxon so all the little words are similar to

English (MITTWOCH = Midweek  MUTTER = Mother and

HUND = Dog etc) and all the Big Words are different !

In the Romance Languages all the little words are 

different from English but all the big words are similar.

Many of us now have the opportunity to Travel the World

the more Languages you master : the much better your 

holiday experience : AMEN  Love to ALL : ANGELA🧡🧡🧡


The Days of the Week in German are : MONTAG : DIENSTAG


See how much closer to English they are than the Romance Lnguages !  


  • Author: BRIANSODES (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 20th, 2018 05:18
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 35
  • Users favorite of this poem: Laura🌻
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  • Laura🌻

    Cara Amica Angela,
    Un meraviglioso poema...
    Un poema maravillo...
    Un poème merveilleux...
    O poezie minunata...
    Um poema maravilhoso...
    I enjoyed reading your wonderful poem and listening to the great video! Languages are so interesting! My favorites are the Romance Languages! I suppose it’s because my native language is Italian! Thank you for sharing! Have a great night!
    Sogni d’oro!
    Abbracci e Baci...


      GRAZIE LAURA ~ per il tuo commento qui ! E mezzanote qui e sono a letto ! Beacuse your Native language is Italian (mine is Spanish) you like me will find all the Romance Languages "facile" ! I love languages and I try to convinve English Speakers that already they know TWO THOUSAND little (basic) words in GERMAN ! The BRITS seem to assume everyone will speak & understand English in all its dialects. When BRIAN took me to Liverpool I didn't understand BROAD SCOUSE and he had to interpret YERORLRIGHT WACK for me ! But its not just verbal communication ! When Im in ITALY I like to be able to read a Newspaper : understand all the SIGNS : and all the notices in the shops : and order Due Cappuccini per favore ~ instead of TWO CAPPACHINOS IN A VERY LOUD VOICE ! I will have Golden Dreams : I love your comments ! Abbracci e Baci e Amore en il Spirito : Tua Amica ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

      • Laura🌻


      • BRIAN & ANGELA

        HOLA ANGEL ~ Gracias por este Poema classica y Video (muy amusante !) y la instrucion en Las Lenguas Romanticas ! I always love Lauras comments and she shares our love of languages. The video really made me laugh and Ive been singing it to "Row Row your Boat ................ !" I've just had my TAPAS (acetunas verde) with an Amontillado Sherry before lunch ! Your picture looking out to Sea waiting for My Boat to come in ................................ ! always makes me realise ~ just how very much I miss holding you. Muchos Abrazos y Besos y Todo de Mi Amor
        BRIAN ~ Tu Oso Grande🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

        • BRIAN & ANGELA

          Oooooooo BRIAN mi OSO GRANDE : Tu eres muy Romantico ! I miss you lots too : only CINCO MESSES a PASQUA cuando nos habemos dos semanas contigos en SOUTH ISLAND N Z. I tick the days off on the Calendar each day. I loved your comment & Lauras she is my Female Soul Mate ! The video made me laugh too : a great way to learn languages : like you (and Tio Steve) I love silliness. I must get to bed I had a late clinic (6 to 10) its now past MIDNIGHT ! Hasta Manana : Abrazos y Besos grandes : Mi AMOR eres Tu AMOR tu AMORADA ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

        • orchidee

          A good write 'Wack!' Why ya not liking some of these days?
          I told someone who didn't like, e.g. Mondays: 'Don't worry; another one will be here in 7 days!'

          • BRIAN & ANGELA

            THANKS UNCLE STEVE : Great try @ scouse ! I love my JOB even though sometimes I have to be cruel (PHYSIOTERRORIST) to be KIND ! However I love the weekend Saturday FUN DAY and Sunday PRAISE & WORSHIP : so MONDAY (No Funday) is always an ANTICLIMAX ! BUT also i love FRIDAY because it is a prelude to the WEEKEND ! The other three days are COMEDAY : GODAY : it depends who's in the CLINIC The Male KIWIS & MAORIS are so handsome : BUT dont tell Brian I said that ! LOVE ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

          • Fay Slimm.

            I well remember having to learn the days of the week in French and have never forgotten them - a most interesting and informative slant on the language differences Angela - love that rhyming for Friday and shall from now on make that day MY day - -- great read.

            • BRIAN & ANGELA

              Pleased you liked it FAY : Its 8:30 am (Wednesday) here my first CLINIC is 11 am si Id better get my skates on ! BRIAN & I love languages : I was schooled in England and because I was already fluent in Spanish @ 11 : I did French (easy !) and German difficult because of the Grammar. I bought a Dictionary and highlighted in PINK all he words which were similar to English there were over 1000. ! Brian speaks good GERMAN but my voice is not guttural enough ! Pleased you adopted MY DAY I am always smiling on a FRIDAY : MYDAY ! Thanks for you encouragement. I quite liked the stubby column with the bulge in the Middle ! Love in the SPIRIT ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

            • Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet

              Angela, this poem offers some great advice for your readers. I, too, learned Spanish and when I visited both Italy and Greece, the translations were very easy, because the words were so similar and they are all romance languages.

              In the U.S. they are currently teaching Chinese in elementary school, 3rd and 4th grades. but I'm told this is a difficult language to learn.

              • BRIAN & ANGELA

                Gracias Tamara : Learning languages is always very useful ! Also if one has bothered to learn the Language : I find you are always treated with more respect in Cafes etc. Of course because Mi Padre es Espanol I pass as Spanish but I like it if the Italians think I am Italian : or the French : French. Languages with a different alphabet : like Russian : Greek : Hungarian : Hebrew are difficult to learn and even more so Pictorial Languages : like Chinese & Japanese. Thanks for your interesting comment : Yours ANGELA (N Z)

                • Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet

                  Angela, if your father is Spanish, then you should have no problem with the language. Do you speak it fluently?

                  Decades ago, I learned Spanish fluently from very close Spanish friends and was given the Spanish Meritorious Award for excellence in Spanish in high. Yet, when you don't use the language it is so easy to forget. Strange though, when I visited Spain all the forgotten words were suddenly remembered again. I miss traveling, but it's not safe anymore.

                  • BRIAN & ANGELA

                    SI ! When I lived at Home in London my Dad always spoke to me in Spanish to maintain my fluency : My Mum is English and conversed with me in English to prepare me for School when I was five. I went Spain a lot (Sevilla) to stay with mis Abuelos y Tios. I passed GCSE Spanish without attending classes : but i had to attend classes for A-level because of the Literature. Brian is fluent in Spanish and has visited Peru : Cuba and His Brother lives in Mexico and we visit Spain often. We are not married yet (Easter 2020) because I am in New Zealand until September 2019. We will raise our Children : BILINGUAL ! There are plenty of Native Spanish speakers in Auckland : I am trying to learn Maori. It is a phonetical language so it is easy to sing in Church from the screen ! Thanks for your interest it is past noon here (WEDNESDAY) so I am on my Lunch Break. Yours ANGELA (NZ)

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Good fun write. I am of course totally bi-lingual, I speak English and Rubbish.

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