Early Expressions


Tune: Dominus Regit Me

('The King of love my Shepherd is')

Psalm 108 v.1-5


O God, my heart on you is fixed

I shall give you praise unmixed

But pure and fervent, worshipping

You who are e'er my Lord and King


Awake psaltery, lute, and lyre

Be inspired with holy fire

Play instruments to His name bless

And rise early to Him confess


I will praise you, LORD, here among

The people, songs to you sung

Praises I give you, let nations

Extol you, whate'er stations


For your mercy, lovingkindness

Is great above the skies, this

We believe, and your truth reaches

To the clouds, no lie breaches


Be exalted, O God, above

The heavens, and still your love

Show us, and let your glory be

O'er all the earth, so we it see

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 29th, 2018 02:40
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in metre.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 10
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  • Michael Edwards

    Great work Orchi

    • orchidee

      Thanks M. You got that lyre out, or ya psalter?!

    • Goldfinch60

      Super write Orchi.

      • orchidee

        Thanks Gold.

      • ANGELA & BRIAN

        THANKS FOR SHARING ~ Notre Oncle STEVE ~ Ancien d'Or comme Tu ~ BUT Great Tune and equally Great Lyric ! WE love the paraphrase on Psalm 108 ! The final verse (13) says "With GOD on our side ~ We shall Overcome ~ We are helpless ~ BUT GOD will defeat ALL our ENEMIES ~ AMEN" (English as she is spoke version !)
        Advent Blessings & Love ~ BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

        • orchidee

          Thanks B&A. Ohh I don't always get your Greek? (French - heehee) words!
          Part of a Chorus goes: 'With our God we shall do valiantly / it is He that shall tread down our enemies'. OK, I like choruses too, as long as not the same one sung about 5,942 times in a row! doh!

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