JOY TO THE WORLD : The LORD is come !

Let Earth receive her King

Let every Heart prepare Him room

Let HEAVEN and all Nature sing !


JOY TO THE WORLD : The Saviour reigns

Let songs be heard on high !

While fields and streams

And hills and plains

Repeat repeat the sounding JOY !


HE rules the WORLD

With Truth & Grace

And makes the  Nations prove

The glories of His RIGHTEOUSNESS

The wonders  wonders of HIS LOVE


Thanks for sharing : Love : Joy : Peace


  • Author: ANGELA & BRIAN (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 24th, 2018 02:32
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 16
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  • Goldfinch60

    Lets us all sing of his love.


      AMEN : Uncle Andy the whole ADVENT PERIOD should be filled with Praises to GOD for the gift of His Son JESUS : AMEN Christmas Blessings & Love to You and JOYCE : ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡


      CHRISTMAS IS A VERY SPECIAL TIME ! God gave us the precious Gift of His Son JESUS ! He lived a sinless life and died on a CROSS in AD 33 to redeem us all from our sins and give us all ETERNAL LIFE ! All we have to do to recieve this gift is to BELIEVE : AMEN !
      So as we give each outhe gigts @ CHRISTMAS : Let us remember GODS greatedt gift to us all JESUS : AMEN.
      Love to ALL : ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡

    • orchidee

      A fine write and clip/pic B&A. Time for corny jokes season? Yule (you'll) be having a good time, I hope. heehee.

      • ANGELA & BRIAN

        Thanks UNCLE STEVE : Pleased you liked it ! Its 9:30 pm here : almost CHRISTMAS ! I miss Brian @ YOOL but there is much here to occupy ones mind and he left a Present & A CARD when He came in August ! Have a KOOL YOOL : Not too much Harveys Bristol Cream and dont forget to add a little H2O to the Clanleesh !
        Love @ Christmas : ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
        A bonus Heart for the night before Christmas !

      • Michael Edwards

        All the very best to you both - look forward to next years contributions.

        • ANGELA & BRIAN

          Thanks UNCLE MIKE : Your daily offerings on the Shrine of MPS have kept us amused and sometimes bemused. You & Andy & Steve have been very faithful in your postings & comments : bringing us both much pleasure & fellowship each & every DAY ! 2019 will be an eventful & fruitful and by OCTOBER : Brian & I will be together again and by Easter 2020 : Husband & Wife !! AMEN :
          Love @ Christmas ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡

        • Fay Slimm.

          With you in these festive lines on why Love will conquer in the end - - praise be for the season of joyous remembrance. Have a blessed celebration dear Brian and Angela
          - -- although now apart the time will fly by. Hugs for you both - from Fay xxxx

          • ANGELA & BRIAN

            THANKS FAY : Its now Christmas Day and it seems strange NOT waking up with BRIAN now that we are ENGAGED ! Still I have a very BUSY DAY ahead of Ruth & I (she is missing her Fiance DAVID !) we are at RUTH's UNCLES for Dinner : Roast Lamb : well they do outnumber people 10 to 1 and it is my favourite meat. Then onto the BEACH for desert & iced coffee it will be different and a sail later this afternoon. We are at Church @ 10:30 am for a bilingual English & Maori Advent Mass : The carols are Moari translations of English and I am in the Choir. Blessing & Love @ Christmas :
            Angela (NZ) & Brian (UK) 🧡🧡🧡🧡

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