Tune: Sussex Carol
('On Christmas night all Christians sing')
Luke 1 v.76-80
Zacharias spoke of his son
Zacharias spoke of his son
John the Baptist he was the one
John the Baptist he was the one
Said, Child, you shall be the prophet
Of the Highest, God's will is set
For you shall go before the face
For you shall go before the face
Of the Lord, His ways prepare, trace
Of the Lord, His ways prepare, trace
To give knowledge of salvation
To all of each race, each nation
This be so by sins remission
This be so by sins remission
Forgiveness unto every one
Forgiveness unto every one
Through the tender mercy it be
Of our God, He comes to us, see
By Him the Dayspring from on high
By Him the Dayspring from on high
Has visited us, has drawn nigh
Has visited us, has drawn nigh
The Dawn has come, the Messiah
Fair graces does on us confer
He comes to give light, they that sit
He comes to give light, they that sit
In darkness, now their way is lit
In darkness, now their way is lit
And they sitting in death's shadow
Dispelling of their gloom they know
He guides our feet in way of peace
He guides our feet in way of peace
Light of the world shall never cease
Light of the world shall never cease
So John grew strong, and so it be
He did fulfil his ministry
- Author: orchidee ( Offline)
- Published: December 24th, 2018 03:31
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in metre. This is based on a Reading for today - part of Zacharias' 'Benedictus' - his prophecy at the birth of his son John The Baptist. Happy Christmas and Seasons Greetings to all!.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 14
Santa's got into the hymn in the clip - spot the ho, ho, ho!
You can't beat a good HO HO HO. Thanks Steven for all your Zany humour and here's to next year - with a glass of sherry.
Thanks M. You know Dawn - Berles?! Or Daisy Spring / Dayspring?
Only know Hans Pring - and, of course, Rain Berles (she's a colourful person).
Should it be Daise Pring, M - Hans' sister? How's the evening. Will your lounge be full of soot in the morning? Some bloke coming down your chimney tonight?
Beautiful words and thanks for sharing dear Orchi.
Thanks Fay.
lovely,merry christmas
Thanks Ron.
The Light of the World is always with us.
Have a great Christmas Steven.
Thanks Gold.
Good old John eh'....
Yes, thanks Neville. 'Among those born of women, says Jesus, there is none greater; nevertheless whoever is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he (John)'.
You eating those locusts (yuk) and wild honey (yummy?) as he did?!
I have partaken of both locust and wild honey on my travels... nice but not together..
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