Faith Focusing


Tune: Christchurch

('Now is eternal life')


Lord, forgive me when I

As if kingdom pass by

Your kingdom and your will

Where righteousness reigns still

Help me these things first for to seek

You revealed unto humble, meek


Where I distracted be

Material things, see

May occupy my mind

No lasting peace I find

But grant me grace, that everyday

Matters trust they work out your way


If tempted on feelings

To rely in all things

Help me to turn to you

Inspire my faith anew

To tend to today while it here

Your presence in it shall appear


And so affected be

By some small things are we

Then our focus is lost

A while on you, the cost

Is that we panic, fret, or fear

And forget that you still are near


With patience help us to

Persevere, by faith view

You, understand your plan

As far as humans can

Answers to prayer you do reveal

Come to us forgive, restore, heal


  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 9th, 2019 03:26
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in metre.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 15
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  • Goldfinch60

    Very meaningful hymn/prayer.

    • orchidee

      Thanks Gold. We know we have necessary everyday things to do. I suppose some of them are not less spiritual. I was thinking how we (or I anyway) can be distracted and not bother at times about more specifically 'spiritual' matters.

    • Neville

      everyone has got to have faith... thanks for pointing it out... N

      • orchidee

        Thanks N.

        • Neville

          no worries...

        • Aislinn Wilson

          A hymn / poem / prayer that would do me well to meditate on and return to.
          The last two lines of the first stanza as well as the second and fourth stanza were especially uplifting and encouraging to me. Please don't stop writing. Missed you while I was gone!

          • orchidee

            Thanks A.

          • ANGELA & BRIAN

            Thanks UNCLE STEVE for another uplift to sustain a busy day. I trust when we are retired (2053 !) we will somehow be less busy ? Love the Hymn & Devotional Poem . It is the knowledge that WE HAVE ETERNAL LIVE NOW ~ irrespective of whenever JESUS comes (2nd Coming) or calls (demise) ~ that sustains us SPIRITUALLY 24 / 7 AMEN !
            Abundant Blessings A & B 🧡🧡🧡🧡

            • orchidee

              Thanks B & A. Ooh, but you\'re gonna be 117, you say! We have a Christchurch Meadows near town (hymn tune name). Sorry - you'll have to enlarge the video to full screen. Unusual clip.

            • Michael Edwards

              Great stuff O

              • orchidee

                Thanks M. Sings: ''Ohh, some enchanted evening....' There's plenty of them this year - evenings, that is!

                • Michael Edwards

                  N. Chanted - He's a fiend of Miss Berles

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