Riches Restrainings - Mark's Gospel (12)


Tune: Old Yeavering

('Like a mighty river flowing')

Mark 10 v.23-27


How hard it is for those, they who

Trust in their riches, yes they do

Hard for them to enter kingdom

Of God and Jesus His Son


'Tis easier for a camel

To go through eye of a needle

Than for rich to enter into

God's kingdom, or to it view


This did cause a consternation

Riches not bring joy, elation

Enquiry made, Who then can be

Saved from among people, see?


Jesus said, With people this is

Impossible, the way they miss

But with God not impossible

All things with Him possible

  • Author: orchidee (Online Online)
  • Published: February 4th, 2019 03:06
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in metre. Old Yeavering, the tune name, is a place in Northumberland, UK.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 25
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  • Fay Slimm.

    Fine thoughts in this read Orchi.

    • orchidee

      Thanks Fay.

    • Michael Edwards

      Great work O

      • orchidee

        Thanks M. Not an Alleluia in sight in this one. They've gone on holiday with the Hallelujah family!

        • Michael Edwards

          And with A. Men whoever he is.

        • 2 more comments

        • ANGELA & BRIAN

          Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Love the video ~ great hymn & a packed congregation ! Love the POEM too ~ Eye of a needle syndrome. As a child I thought it was a a sewing needle (hyperbole !) but I understand it is a narrow gate which required said Camel to be unloaded and then reloded the other side which took about an hour ! Rather like unloading a roof carrier for a low barrier !
          Love & Blessings ~ BRIAN & ANGELA🧡🧡🧡🧡

          • orchidee

            Thanks B&A. I thought that too! lol.

          • Neville

            When I first heard what I believe to be a proverb about a camel and needle... many moons ago when I was but a lad.. I struggled to comprehend its meaning.. as I'm sure many of us heathens do... However, as I grew older, the true meaning became more and more apparent ... a sound and solid hymn poem that in my head, at this moment in time.. sounds more like a poem, than a hymn... a good poem mind.... Neville

            • Lorna

              Here's what the eye of the needle is really: The "Eye of the Needle" has been claimed to be a gate in Jerusalem, which opened after the main gate was closed at night. A camel could only pass through this smaller gate if it was stooped and had its baggage removed. My catholic other half taught me that - makes much more sense than the sewing kind doesn't it.

              • Neville

                it does.. and we who follow a Buddhist path thank you for enlightening us....

              • 6 more comments

              • Goldfinch60

                Good one Orchi.

                • orchidee

                  Thanks Gold.

                • orchidee

                  You got gold or silver under ya mattress Neville? I didn't get the hang of this teaching - I got a camel under me mattress. Doh!

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