ITALIAN ~ Language of LOVE
DUTCH ~ Language of Clogs - Cheese - Coffee !
POLISH ~ Language of Eastern Europe
JAPANESE ~ Language of Dynasty & Poetry
RUSSIAN ~ Language of POWER
ARABIC ~ Language of The Middle East
This list of Languages is in the Order of
Importance as Languages that are considered
most important to UK Employers ~ OK !
Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡
VOCABULARY is of prime importance when first learning
a Foreign Language. For Native English Speakers ~ GERMAN
is the easiest VOCABULARY to master. Many of the small
everyday words are similar. In the video on FRUIT about
24 different Fruit are mentioned. 14 (60%) of them are very
similar to ENGLISH and several are identical. So in TEN MINS
you have learned 14 German words for Fruit. Very useful if
you are in a Greengrocers in Berlin ! The same is true for
NUMBERS : Ein ~ Zwei ~ Drei ~ Vier ~ Funf ~ Sechs ~ Sieben
Acht ~ Neun ~ Zehn : They are very similar to English can be
learned in five minutes ~ and are pronounced phonetically !
and understands French & Italian and is learning German !
I studied French & Spanish in School & German & Italian
at College so we do well in Europe ! In essence it does take
at least a Year to be confident in a language and with Greek
and Russian if you learn the Alphabet you can often
TRANSLITERATE a word ~ so if it says APOCATHERY you
know it is a Chemist ! In big cities many People are
fluent in English but if you get off the beaten track in S.
America a knowledge of Spanish is very useful. Also many
ART GALLERIES & MUSEUMS the signs are only in the
Mother Tongue ! If you are travelling to a NON-ENGLISH
speaking Country go to a Language Class to prepare. They
are good fun and one meets lots of NICE PEOPLE ! 🧡🧡🧡
ANGELA & BRIAN (Pseudonym) (
- Published: April 13th, 2019 03:22
- Category: Reflection
- Views: 20
Yep, I was just off to a greengrocers in Berlin. Thought I would nip there, as me local Co-op has run out of some fruits! I'm gonna use all 14 words, and come home with a ton of fruit. Very handy It's educational 'ere, not any old rubbish!
I'm busy chopping down palms in my poem - oops, it's not helping conservation, but right for that time.
THANKS UNCLE STEVE ~ Pleased you enjoyed it. Most of my Friends (30 -40's) who try German at this stage in their life ~ find its easier than they thought ! Especially the vocabulary ! Im thinking of writing a BOOK "2000 German Words you already know !" Always remember deforestation leads to Global Warming ! Good shopping in Berlin a great CITY !
Blessings to You & Fido
Love in the SPIRIT B & A 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
This list of Languages is in the Order of
Importance as Languages that are considered most important to UK employers - shouldn't English be first ? lol 😊
Sorry - couldn't resist that - yes languages are so important but in my book so is grammar (okay I know I'm old fashioned but I have respect for the language). If I hear another 'I was sat' I shall go mad.
THANKS UNCLE MIKE ~ Perhaps English was an ommision ? You and I had a Grammar School Education ~ so we were taught proper Queens English ! Once advertisers were allowed to use BEANZ - MEANZ - HEINZ ~ Grammar & Spelling were doomed and TEXTING has killed it stone dead ! The PARADOX with German is ~ The Vocabulary is much easier than the Romance Languages but German Grammar is much more difficult ! Every Silver Lining has a Cloud !
Blessings & Joy
HOLA BRIAN AMORADO MIA ! A me gusta tu Poema de lenguas ! Love the German Fruit video and I now know 14 more words in German like Orange : Kiwi & Grapefruit : EASY PEASY ! Im doing what your told me : writing my own GERMAN ~ ENGLISH DICTONARY with all the words which are the same or similar like MUTTER (Mother) BROT (Bread) and HUNDT (Dog) etc. I now have over 500 words (nouns : verbs : adjectives & adverbs etc) Being an extrovert I find no difficulty in conversing with Germans living in NZ (without grammar) and they keep telling me new words and phrases. There is also a German Circle which I have joined and they like me to teach them Spanish. Like YOU I love languages and I am learning to sing in Maori ! Its SUNDAY 7:30am here and Im getting ready for Church : PALM SUNDAY !
Muchos Abrazos y Brazos y Todo de Mi amor
Solomente una semana and we'll be "TOGETHER AGAIN !"
I'm posting that tomorrow : in anticipation : OK !
Muchos Gracias La Mia Angela Amorato ! Love your comments ~ pleased you are progressing with German. I know you would love to go to OBBERAMAGAU in 2020 ~ I will make enquiries. I know German Grammar is more difficult than Spanish but it is compensated for by the ease of the Vocabulary ~ glad you are compiling a Dictionary and have access to native German Speakers for pronunciation ! The Daniel O'Donnell ~ Mary Duff duet is on YOU TUBE for Together Again include it if you can ! I will look forward to that ! I guess its 12 noon Sunday in NZ ~
Buenas Noches es Midnoche aqui !
Muchos Abrazos y Besos ~ Tu Oso Grande Amorado BRIAN
🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡
Thank you for your list of languages, I am fluent in two languages, up I speak English and Rubbish.
Thanks for your comments UNCLE ANDY ~ very Droll. I mnetioned elsewhere that I did FRENCH & SPANISH @ School and later Scientific German and also Conversational Italian @ Night School. Those four languages get you by in most of Europe and Angela & I visit Europe a lot especially "off-track" SPAIN where Spanish is necessary also Mexico & South America (Portuguese in Brazil) !
Blessings & Peace to you BOTH
Love in the Spirit B & A 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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