Michael Edwards



Untinctured by experience

in times of inexpediency

she heard the compliments which praise

and bowed  to counsels wisdom


With all her previous thoughts dislodged

no more her own philosopher.



  • Author: Michael Edwards (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 14th, 2019 00:03
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 47
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  • Goldfinch60

    Super write Michael and another wonderful abstract, my day has started well.


    GOOD MORNING UNCLE MIKE : Its 7:30pm SUNDAY here "Now the day is over !" Your teasing again : When I printed the Abstract and orientated it through 180 degrees : there was ME with my SPANISH HAIR do : head bowed demurely to Counsels Wisdom ....... And wearing my FLAMENCO DRESS : Thank you : Brain told me he saw it too ! Our senses are heightened because on Saturday : We will be TOGETHER AGAIN (See todays Poem Pic & Video !). Certianly since Brian & I have become ONE : I am no longer My Own Philosopher (and neither is He !). Its not just TWO HEARTS that have become ONE but also TWO MINDS ! We can now communicate 11,500 miles TELEPATHICALLY : AMEN !
    Thanks for caring & sharing
    Yours ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡

    • Michael Edwards

      I shall have to look deeper into my abstracts - I rarely interpret them - that's for others. They're the workings of my inner mind which never communicates with the outer mind. Or something like that - anyway I do appreciate your kind observations - have a great day.

    • orchidee

      A fine write and pic Michael. I know about INtincting from Communion at church - to dip or not to dip the wafer in the chalice of wine? It was banned for a time to dip - cos of mad cow disease, or something like that! Well, not that exactly.

      • Michael Edwards

        I dip my toes in the sea - is that the same? Do mad cows go in the sea?

        • orchidee

          Could be the same! You know Mr N. (Un) Tinct?

        • orchidee

          Miss Berles do philosophising? She just told me I used up my ration for about a week - all 5 syllables in one word there!

          • Michael Edwards

            She was kidding - there are 15 syllables in a full week. Saturday is the odd one out - there are three in Saturday.

            • orchidee

              If I was flocky-knockying or whatever - that long word - I couldn't post for about a year! Millions of syllables in that. Tally-ho, have a spiffing evening, what?!

            • Neville

              Now ya got me thinking again.. Cant be a bad thing that.... Nice abstract.. these are certainly growing on me... Neville

              • Michael Edwards

                Thinking is a good exercise but do take a break from time to time 😊

                When I started painting these acrylic ink they didn't do too well but they are beginning to move of late so will have to paint a few more as I'm getting low on stock. Thanks Neville

              • MendedFences27

                Abstract - I see birds on a tree limb building a nest. Looking straight in towards the tree trunk.
                Poem- Excellent as always. It's been my experience that they never listen. Until they're all grown up, and then they become the counselors. Very succinct and cleverly expressed. I loved the first line. - Phil A.

              • dusk arising

                Lovely opening 'untinctured'. How many of the fairer sex do we know who have become a collection of 'only the positive things i hear about myself can be taken seriously'.

                • Michael Edwards

                  Oh many - and our sex as well - thanks Dusk

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