Tune: Gwalchmai
('King of glory, King of peace')
Psalm 41 v.1 - 4 & v.11
Blessed are they that help the poor
The LORD for sure
Will help them in their trouble
Deliver all
He will preserve them and keep
Alive, His sheep
Such shall be blessed on the earth
And know true worth
The LORD will deliver not
To enemies lot
They who help the poor, give aid
Shall be repaid
Though not for reward they give
But truly live
Desiring the LORD to please
And the day seize
The LORD will strengthen them when
They poorly, then
In their sick-bed, He will see
Restoring be
Will come to them and upraise
Again they praise
Him for His goodness, their health
And their soul's wealth
I said, LORD, be merciful
To my soul all
For I have sinned, but forgive
So shall I live
My enemies shall not reign
Nor scoffs* remain
You favour me, enemies
Win not o'er me
* scoffs - scoffing, mocking, ridiculing
- Author: orchidee ( Offline)
- Published: April 15th, 2019 01:56
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in metre.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 18
Can ya help? I wrote 'And the day seize'. I heard of 'Carpe Diem', but took so long to find out its meaning that there was no day left to seize, by the time I found out! Ya had any problems like that?! I spent hours in fishing books. I thought it was summat to do with carps. I know - you'll reply 'keep taking the tablets'. heehee.
Fine work - how did you manage to get into a fishing book? Or any book?
Thanks Michael. Well I saw 'Carpe' - thought it might have something to do with carp?! I'm not knowing these foreign words. lol. Tempus Fugit - Time Flies..... when you're enjoying yourself? Woof! Fido not allow me any excitement.
I certainly agree with the principle of helping the poor and needy ... N
Thanks Neville. Yes, genuine help. There's so many Charities, etc too, doing what they can to help. Meanwhile - you scoffing? as in eating 50 cakes or something?! Someone said 'I'll scweam and scweam until I'm sick!' Did she have too many cakes too, that made her sick. Bonnie Langford years ago I think.
it was indeed Miss Bonnie Langford & no.. I refuse to scoff as a matter of principle...
Those 7.4. metres are a bit pesky - long, then short, then long, etc.
maybe try a limerick for a change..
Summat like that!
much better....
That's part of tomorrow's poem by me - maybe.
I can hardly wait....
The first line did it for me Orchi - - Blessed are they that help the poor" - there is so much dis-ease today and so many are poorly in one way or another -- thank you for this needed reminder. dear friend.
Thanks Fay. I wrote it during some ailment - not serious, but being poorly (physically, well socially too!) can weigh us down.
Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Great Hymn & Great Poem ~ Money does make the World go round ~ but its very very badly distributed. I have never been POOR so I always have some "change" for the panhandlers ! I always buy the BIG ISSUE ~ good reading ! Our Christian Coffee Shop for the Big Issue sells Coffee & a Biscuit for 10p ! I often pop in ~ cheaper than COSTA (300p !) for a chat & a Witness ~ AMEN. JESUS said "The POOR you have always with you !" very true. But I like to be a Good Scoucer and never ever "Pass by on the other side" especially if someone is BUSKING !
Blessings & Joy for you & Fido ~
Does he look like Snoopy ?
Spiritual Love ~ B & A 🧡🧡🧡🧡+🧡
Oh dear! He don't exist really. he can be how you want him to be. Maybe a fierce little yappy terrier?! Bark worse than his bite. I never buy coffee at 300p. Erm, mainly cos I don't like coffee! A church café closed last Autumn here. Not got up and running again yet.
I do 'pass by' some people, but some look rich and well-fed. They are not there some weeks - gone on expensive holidays?!
That comes up in Holy Week (this week) - the poor you have always with you. Mary anoints Jesus. Judas complains about the 'waste'. John writes: 'Not cos he cared for the poor, but cos he was a thief, and kept the money-bags!' There's a thing - a thief as treasurer.
May He have mercy on you Orchi.
Thanks Gold.
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