Michael Edwards


Quasimodo’s still  lamenting

And the grief is still fermenting

For even though he has no proof

He thinks he left it in the roof

And all this pain he cannot handle

Will he ever find his candle?

  • Author: Michael Edwards (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 21st, 2019 01:49
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 23
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  • orchidee

    Sometimes I'm not surprised if some places catch fire - candles with wooden pews - bit dodgy health and safety wise!
    Miss Berles may have his candle.

    • Michael Edwards

      Oh it gets on your wick doesn't it!

    • Fay Slimm.

      Poor Quasi. his mode is ever loaded with smiles at such plight....... a good fun-read and wonderful artwork again Mike.

    • Neville

      sacre bleu Mon St Michael....

      • Michael Edwards

        I hear he's still looking - thanks Neville

        • Neville

          not surprised at all..

        • dusk arising

          Ha Ha Ha laughed out loud at this masterpiece of wit today.

          No doubt qusimodo's ghost was hoping Esmerelda would hear his plea "Esmerelda, you gave me water" and repeat her act of kindness but this time with a fire hose.

          Maybe he had a hunch something like this was going to happen.

          • Michael Edwards

            I wrote it when the news first broke but somehow it didn't seem respectful while the tragedy was still very raw. Thanks Dusk.

          • ANGELA & BRIAN

            MERCI UNCLE MIKE ~ Peutetre il est QUASIMODO ? Et son CHANDELLE n'est pas morte ! We are just pleased none of the brave POMPIERRES were killed or badly injured and the BEAUTIFUL Notre Dame de PARIS was saved. We always visit and light a candle when we are in Paris. Perhaps in future they will be electric ones like in some Churches. Fire is a BAD SERVANT but a GOOD MASTER !
            Love the painting ~ weve entuitled it GLOBAL WARMING !
            Blessings & Love to You & Yours
            Yours as always ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡
            Its MONDAY already here but were too excited to SLEEP !

            • Michael Edwards

              Thanks so much - now go and get some sleep!! 😪

            • orchidee

              Seen Mr Berle-Ington lately?!

            • Suresh

              If only he was still around
              Maybe he could have found
              Rang the bells alarming sound
              Saving roof from burning down

              • Michael Edwards

                Sadly he wasn't there - he went off with the hump.

                • Michael Edwards

                  Thanks for the smile Suresh

                • Goldfinch60

                  Good fun read Michael.

                  That artwork is outstanding!

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