Fay Slimm.



What Worth.

early greets day by dew massaging dawn.
boldly soothes lassitude's mood of forlorn.
         loves the blush sundown brings to a cheek.      
Yet what
counteth greetings if thou need not me ?   


exchange winks with moon on lake's face.
strokes each leaf in Springtime's embrace.
brew desire when a storm mounts the sea.
What tho' 
meaneth wooing if thou court not me ?


showers refreshment on that which is dry    
melts as attention warms unclearing sky     
blooms with kissed mouths Flora to please    
But what
worth all that bounty if thou kiss not me ?       

  • Author: Fay Slimm. (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 2nd, 2019 04:35
  • Comment from author about the poem: With gratitude for a phrase by the poet Shelley, which inspired the whole verse. - - - - - "if thou kiss not me " - - - - - -
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 69
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  • Neville

    extremely well constructed and appealing whatever way one looks at it ....
    I used to holiday at my friends place in the villa overlooking the bay in La Spezia where Shelley drowned ..... N

    • Fay Slimm.

      What a sad loss that drowning was to the world of poetry eh - thank you loads for the supportive comment dear Nev. .....

      • Neville

        it was indeed a tragic and untimely loss.... the comment a pleasure to convey... N

      • SerenWise

        Another beautiful piece, lovely archaic language and descriptive metaphor

        • Fay Slimm.

          Thanks Seren - - I like to use archaic when the subject calls for it - so pleased too that you enjoyed the metaphor.........

        • Michael Edwards

          Just beautiful - keep writing dear Fay.

          • Fay Slimm.

            Ah - a bit of a challenge some days Michael and I try of late to have weekends sans writing but cant keep a poet down for long they say - thanks a load for your warm support.

            • Michael Edwards

              I am having much the same problem and sometimes think I'm trying too hard. I started to write a poem a couple of weeks ago and somehow I wasn't happy with it. I kept revisiting it and playing around with it and ended up with culling many of the lines until I had a distillation of what I wanted it say. The result is a short poem of two stanzas (3 lines and 4 lines) but I have to say I am smugly pleased with the result despite all the discarded words and lines on the study floor. I'll post it tomorrow and it'll be interesting to see what others think of it.

              • Fay Slimm.

                Already looking forward to reading the cut-down version Mike and wish often that I could achieve the same........... too much a chatterbox is me I expect.

                • Michael Edwards

                  Just posted along with comments along the lines of my comment above.

                • orchidee

                  A lovely write Fay.

                  • Fay Slimm.

                    Sincere thank yous dear Orchid.

                  • MendedFences27

                    But what
                    wisdom sprouteth from thy pen if we not read thee?
                    Enlightening tidbits of knowledge and widom, well penned and greatly appreciated. A lovely write. - Phil A.

                    • Fay Slimm.

                      Ooooh thou hast a flair for the archaic mine Sire and I thank thee - - delighted that you like the verse and its tidbits dear Phil.

                    • Suresh

                      Most appreciated this poetry,merit ten in the form of yester

                      • Fay Slimm.

                        Am honoured by your merit of my little offering dear Suresh - - so glad you like the language of yesteryear - - thank you for dropping by and for your grand comment.

                      • ANGELA & BRIAN

                        THANKS FOR SHARING FAY ~ This is a masterpiece in both Structure & Substance ! Line 1 3 5 are monosyllabic & environmental ~ They are amplified by longer lines (2 4 6). Line 7 (bisyllabic) poses a Question ~ Yet what ~ Whay tho' ~ But what ! Line 8 questions the ardour in Lines (2 4 6) in each verse. Methinks the responses in Lines 8 are those of a Female regretting that the flowery words (2 4 6) did not lead to amorous acts ! In my experience Ladies take time to warm up (emotionally) but when they do the Libido of thoughtless Men has begun to wane ? With ANGELA I try to move at her pace ~ VIRGOS (which I am !) are very understanding LOVERS !
                        Blessings & Love
                        BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

                        • Fay Slimm.

                          I am blushing at your assessment of my verse in archaic dear Brian -and thank you for all the extra review you give to the piece - a fine and encouraging critique indeed. Merci beaucoup.

                        • Brycycle

                          Beautiful write Fay

                          • Fay Slimm.

                            A pleasure to have your visit and comment my poet-friend - thank you so much and am pleased you enjoyed both the chosen subject and style .

                          • moordykspot2

                            Natures gifts covered with some super phrase work Reading your work Fay always gives me a new outlook on the subject matter you choose. It really is a most enjoyable learning experience. Thank you

                            • Fay Slimm.

                              It warms my heart to know my poetry helps you to see subjects in different ways dear poet-friend and am delighted too that you enjoy your visits and are moved to comment........ thank you so much.

                            • Goldfinch60

                              Beautiful structure and words Fay.

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