I was sitting on my cloud
Just thinking about religion,
God swept by,
Saw me and came back.
“Can I sit with you?” he asked,
“It’s allegedly a free heaven,
So you can do what you like!”
“You’re in a bad mood” he said,
“So would you be” I replied,
“My loved one is ill,
We go to Church to pray for her,
You know the Christian way,
But nothing happens,
She just gets worse”
“Well it could be lies” He said,
“What do you mean lies” I asked,
“Do you believe in God?” he asked,
“Of course I do;
Otherwise I wouldn’t be speaking to you!”
“Yes that’s right,
You know I exist,
But I am Your God,
Your Spirit”
“Yes, that goes without saying,
I know you are there
And I will be with you until the end”
“Have I ever promised you anything
Anything to help you?” he said
“No your haven’t,
You will be with me
And I with you,
But nothing else has been promised,
Just us being as one forever”
“There you are then,
It is not me that is the problem,
It is the belief that the Christian God,
The father of Jesus can help you”
“So Christianity in its power to help all
Is a myth?”
“Yes, it is a myth created by men,
You know those men who believe,
Believe that there is money in it,
Money in it for them”.
“I suppose that you are right,
All the money that the Church has
They keep for themselves
To buy treasures
Allegedly for the worship of you!”
“I don’t want treasures
I want reality,
As you now realise
Money and power lead to distress,
Lead to greed,,
Lead to anger
Lead to war”.
“So what should I do?” I asked,
“That’s up to you” he said
“But one way would be to leave,
Leave the idea that Christianity
Or any man contrived religions are worthy,
Worthy of your support,
And step into a new world,
A new world of reality”
“Now that’s an idea!” I replied,
“Reality for all would work”.
“Only if those in power let it”.
God replied as he sailed away.
Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (
- Published: May 9th, 2019 01:49
- Comment from author about the poem: Is religion a con trick like politics? - Discuss.
- Category: Religion
- Views: 57
- Users favorite of this poem: Poetic Dan
I was talking to an elderly lady the other day who seemed to very much of the old school and who I could imagine in church every Sunday.. Somehow the conversation got round to religion. She declared much to my surprise that she was an atheist and pointed to the spring fields opposite bathed in sunshine. Just look at that she said. So much beauty out there. That is my god if I have one.
A very true way to be Michael. In the passed when I was at teenager I went to an Anglican Church and I realised that many people, at the time, were going to Church to be seen to be going to Church nothing to do with belief.
I know - some can play 'going to church'. It may not mean much, or anything, to them, just a social club. I know someone who moaned 'Oh why do we need the sermon each week?'
Yet with looking at nature, it is said that God is seen as Creator through it.
We might think 'Oh why bother about all that stuff?' Yet this is how I myself, anyway, find true reality.
A spark of faith is still within you, I believe. 'Religion' can just mean belief in something or someone, e.g .'He religiously goes to football matches every week'.
Some good thoughts there Orchi, but is the religion that we are taught about God the truth.
Thanks Gold. Well, though not always remembering the verse every day, I go by Jesus saying 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life'. There are false teachers around too in some places.
Fear cannot be the reason for gods existence.
Fear is the reason for one to control another
Fear is instilled in each newborn from the time of birth
It is repeatedly said that God knows everything, if so, then is it not redundant to ask for anything....
One can only control their own actions, so let that be their bible, with the caviate that it is not at the expense of another...
And so on and on and on...
True words Suresh, thank you.
Well Crafted my friend.I have thought along the same lines since losing my sister in a care crash aged just 22. I lost my faith that night never to regain it. So much unhappiness so many it seems unsolvable problems in this planet of ours. we do have a lot to be thankful for it is nice to think it is Gods work But with religion causing so many of the problems it cannot be.
Thank you Moordy, God to me is the Spirit that is within me and always will be, religious organisations seem to be the problem.
Need I say I agree with you - you know i do. And much respect to you for this piece today written form your heart and finding justification in reality.
The beautiful remains beautiful and the ugly still ugly, nothing is lost to you. The creator, whoever/whatever that be is still in your heart without the abuse practiced in their name by mankind. That has shone from your writings.
I recall from my childhood learning that jesus was found in the temple throwing out the rogues and traders of that time, rejecting the false teachings. So it looks like you are in good company confronting the establishments of church.
A simple google search about the wealth of various christian religions is an eye opener, especially the catholic church. How dare these ridiculously rich organisations (organisations which have conned their way into charitable status) claim poverty when it comes to church roof repairs etc and beg the flock (how appropriate a word) to fork out. Even being proud to accept and hold high the story of a widows mite.
Thank you d a. Yes Jesus was a rebel (Hippie) who saw the good in people and knew the bad people were there to be ousted.
As I said above one thing that is very strange is that my friends and my Minister seem to agree with my feelings about the way religion seems to con people into belief.
When in DOUBT play MOZART !
Thanks for sharing UNCLE ANDY ~ A very interesting DIALOGUE ! God does promise to hear our Prayers and to be with us 24/7. Angela & I feel His presence individually and together. We are encouraged to PRAY for each other and others ~ we have prayer chain in our Church to enable us to pray specifically & intelligently. I (BRIAN) have been a committed CHRISTIAN for over 20 years so I know from experience that GOD can say YES or NO or *Sit still my SON and see how this thing will work out !* In your case (as you have shared with us) GOD seems to be saying ~ My Presence is enough for you to continue to Love & Care for JOYCE ~ which you do ~ and that is always a great inspiration to ANGELA & I ~ OK. In essence CHRISTIANITY is NOT a Man Made Faith it is DIVINE. Unfortunately MAN has corruped CHRISTIANITY and we need to go back to the BIBLE ! When I have prayed for someone with a Terminal Condition (I prayed with & for a Lady last week who has now been called home) and they have DIED the message I receive for GOD is *My GRACE is sufficient for YOU* and GOD has helped my in my GRIEF ~ likewise when I pray for Poeple with Dementia ~ OK. I have been a comitted Christian for over 20 Years and my Faith in GOD grows stronger every day. We pray that your Faith & Testimony may be strengthened ~ AMEN
Blessings & Peace & Love to YOU & JOYCE
Yours as always BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
CHRISTIANITY is not a Man Made Religion / Philosophy but is DIVINE and designed and inspired by GOD ~ There is only ONE GOD and only ONE true FAITH for the 21st Century. God created the UNIVERSE and chose one planet EARTH to be a Habitable Planet. To date there is no evidence of another Habitable Planet in the MILKY WAY (Our Galaxy). God created (designed) the Flora & Fauna and then MAN (Homo Sapiens) who is different for the other Animals in terms of a BRAIN capable of Abstract thought and capable of Communicating with GOD through Prayer and God with Man ~ OK. the Bible is not writen from mans intellect but it is a REVELATION from GOD Himself to the writers. GOD chose the JEWISH NATION to be HIS people and their History is recorded in the OLD TESTAMENT (A Collection of 66 books). Over 2000 years ago GOD wanted to extend his Love to the whole Human Race (not just the JEWS) so he sent His SON JESUS to live & die as a HUMAN to DIE on the Cross (AD 33) to redeem the HUMAN RACE. The period of JUDAISM ended and on the DAY of PENTECOST (AD 33) God sent the Holy Spirit to infill those who believed in JESUS and Christianity was BORN ~ A DIVINE FAITH ~ not a Man Made Philosophy. Those of us who are Committed Christians accept the TRUTH of CHRISTIANITY and the BIBLE (Old & New Testaments) by FAITH and it works for us 24/7. Our experience convinces us it is DIVINE and our FAITH cannot be shaken by CIRCUMSTANCE or ARGUMENT ~ OK I hope that helps and answers your question. It is a very big SUBJECT !
Yours BRIAN.
Thanks again DIAMOND ! Every committed Christian will give you the same answer because we are not dealing with a Transient Philosophy but an Eternal Truth ! My answer is the same as Billiy Graham ~ John Wesley ~ Martin Luther ~ The Apostle Paul and Matthew ~ Mark ~ Luke & John would give as outlined in the four Gospels and Matthew & John were disciples of JESUS so the mut know what they were writing about (under the guidence of the HOLY SPIRIT !) TRUTH is never ORIGINAL because it is unchangeable. You have your FAITH in a Rejection of GOD and ALL Religion ~ I have mine in an acceptanc of GOD & CHRISTIANITY as a Divine Faith ~ OK here is a HEAVEN & a HELL but the destination of individuals is not mine to decide but is in the hand of GOD ~ OK. The BIBLE teaches *GOD IS LOVE* and He loved the Human Race so much that He sent JESUS (HIS SON ~ JESUS ~ Second person of the Trinity) to REDEEM the Humn Race ~ AMEN
Thanks again ~ Yours BRIAN
HI "D" NOBODY MADE ME BELIEVE ! As a TEENAGER I reached my own Conclusion that CHRISTIANITY had more answers to Life & Death ~ God & the Origin of the Universe etc that i decided to BE a CHRISTIAN and was BAPTISED (by emmersion) and have been a comitted CHRISTIAN ever since ~ OK. This is a circular argument and we have to agree to differ. I have MY FAITH in CHRISTIANITY and You have yours in ATHEISM and a denial of the existance of any GOD. Its gone midnight here so I have to terminate the discussion as I have to work tomorrow ~ OK ~ Thanks again !
Good Night ~ Yours BRIAN
I seem to have stirred a hornets nest with this write.
My belief is that the proof of "The Big Bang Theory" is now in existence, that big bang had to be triggered, triggered by a force and that force I call God, that force is always with me and always with me. I have been touched by that force so know it is out there and part of me.
Religious teaching is a different problem, it blackmails us into seeing 'Their' God and use their ways to reach it. This applies to all religions, they all seem to see God in a way that will progress the power and wealth within their organisations.
When I was a Chaplain I used all the Christian arguments about the 'divine faith' but now realise that Christianity is just a self sustaining form of politics.
As to earth being the only habited planet in the Universe shows the arrogance of homo sapiens, there is other life out there only it is too wise to show itself to people whose only plan is to self destruct the planet on which they live.
My Spirit is part of me, religious teachings have now been purged from me.
THANKS UNCLE ANDY ~ The Branch of the Christian Church I have always belonged to is EVANGELICAL we have LAY PASTIORS and who only get expenses not a SALARY. So we have no one who is coining money through our activities. Our UK Evangelists & Missionaries all live by Faith. As you know I am a BIOCHEMIST and an ECOLOGIST and d\o see the Earth as UNIQUE and *LIFE* as designed (by GOD) not evolved by naturall causes. There are no CHAIRS of EVOLUTION in BRITISH UNIVERSITIES because it is Theory not fact. If Intelligent Life was discovered in the Milky Way or another GALAXY itwould not challenge my EVANGELICAL FAITH ~ To me it would just be GOD (JAWEH) repeating in another part of HIS CREATION what he did in the past on EARTH. Science has no answer to the ORIGIN of the UNIVERSE ~ The Uniqueness of the Eath Moon System ~ The Uniqueness of Man and the Ifallibility of Scripture. It calims to be thae WORD of GOD ~ It seems to be the WORD of GOD and in the lives of millions of BELIEVERS it proves 24/7 to be the Word of God. There logically can only be ONE GOD (JAWEH) and only ONE WORD of GOD ~ The BIBLE. The are many iconoclasts of EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANITY and all they can offer is a BLAND HUMANISM of *This life is all there is* and that *Man has to pull himself up by his own bootlaces ~ if he is fortunate enough to own a pair of boots*. HUMANISM works OK for intellectuals like Michael Foot but has nothing to offer the Mass of Humanity ~ OK. *I know in whome I have believed and I am persuaded that He is able to honour that which He has promised until that DAY* Firm as a ROCK is the TRUTH I have set my FAITH upon. I am sorry you have such a low opinion of the CRISTIAN FAITH as just a self sustaining form of POLITICS but that is you choice. Thanks for arational reply to my comment
Blessings & Peace & Joy & Love
To You & Joyce
Your Friend as always BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
You have an abundance of inner strength to draw upon during your most difficult times! I’ve sensed that infinite strength throughout your writings! Trust that bottomless well of strength! Do not despair!
My love to Joyce and to you!
Thank you Laura, most kind. That well has always been with me and I hope I never fond the bottom of it.
My friend I just finished writing two more down, the first one finished with how I define my worth.
I was not ready for those words to come out and sat with it a, if course it gave me another about a second letter to my younger self.
During reading this amazing and wonderful expression of yours I can feel my own truth.
I talk to things and alot of things talk back and I could say I guess they could all mold into one. That one is for me and there is a one for everybody, so as we see our loved ones suffering when should know they have their company.
I really hope this is readable if not, it will come out in another post definitely inspired by you, thank you.
I truly wish you and your wife
The most peacefulness and respect
Thank you for you kind words Dan, we all have our own way of dealing with things, that is what makes us what we are.
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