11 years of absorbing, thank you to all

Poetic Dan

I'm sorry (ish) to say...

Whatever I think I am, other than pure light, I am are wrong!

Everything I'm going through or that I think I must change, I did not!


I can not think of one negative mental attitude I was born with, I've been slowly telling myself this for at least the last 11 years.


It started with the dog whisper on TV that help me truly understand, appreciate and accept the animal side of me.


About 7 years after that, music from Nahko and medicine for the people came into my life, showing me another world that was hidden from my eyes.


These two simple moments have brought a tidal wave of change, so many I've written about, may I'm yet to explain


Before sharing my thoughts so openly, I truly thought all my mental problems were never going to leave. It's part of who I am, myself with others all have to just deal with it!


But this was never true, I was broken for so long, even I didn't know the person who I was trying to improve.

A Mantra from others healing songs, that now lives within my soul. Starting with first, an animals fundamental teaching


Calm and assertive!

You are a miracle made out of particles

You can't rush your healing

Be love, birth strength

Release and the go of your story

The roads are pathed by the brave not knowing the way

Your tears clean the window that gard your soul
As the tears on your cheek never made anybody weak


When the mind is clear, you've walked through the fear, when the egos gone, your hear the wisdom call, it will be a joyful song...


Don't waste your hate, rather gather and create, be a service, be a sensible person use your words and don't be nervous, you can do this you have purpose, find your medicine and use it.


We're all joined at the soul with a pair of headphones
Flying together as there's a whole world to see
Whatever you perceive to be is your reality!


I've travelled many roads around my country and back, only to find love undefined and I'm okay with that.
Because I'm going to be a Guardian, be a man among men or a woman among women


Be a guardian
Be my friend





  • Author: Poetic Dan (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 11th, 2019 03:07
  • Comment from author about the poem: I was unsure if I should put all the artists names in brackets, I tried it and it looked messy so I'll put them in order here.... Cesar Millan, Nahko Bear, Trevor Hall, Satsang & Tubby love, Satsang, Hilltop hoods, Brother Ali, Paul Izak, Dub fx, Nahko again to end. Would love to know if you think it was just my brain that thought it would look a mess? Always appreciated Thank you all
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 19
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  • dusk arising

    Many wise phrases here Dan. Like teachings, they are thought provoking and a comfort too.

    They show that we all have our individual cross to bear. Collectively, sharing such pearls of wisdom as you have shown us today, we can encourage thought provoking self healing in those we encounter.

    Walk tall.

    • Poetic Dan

      What killer last words my friend as I shall remember all of them.

      Sadly no of which will ever be broadcasted on the national radios... Why is that 😉

      • Poetic Dan

        You are a true inspiration my god man.. Opps typeo but then is it... Lol

      • 2 more comments

      • dusk arising

        Many wise phrases here Dan. Like teachings, they are thought provoking and a comfort too.

        They show that we all have our individual cross to bear. Collectively, sharing such pearls of wisdom as you have shown us today, we can encourage thought provoking self healing in those we encounter.

        Walk tall.

      • orchidee

        It's all my fault, these troubles, plus torments, you've had, cos I kept singing for 11 years. I was horrible. I would not stop. It was too much for you to absorb! heehee.

        • Poetic Dan

          Thanks anyway 😉

        • Suresh

          Past was past, washed by your efforts, away
          The journey was drenched in many a tears they say
          What's encouraging is that you're no longer in its sway
          And your writings tell us you are in a happier place, today

          Words well chosen by you

          • Poetic Dan

            Your words are always a pleasure to read my friend, like a reflection from a different direction.
            Thank you
            Always appreciated

          • Michael Edwards

            An engaging and wise read Dan.

          • Goldfinch60

            WE go through our lives and find all kinds of obstacles in the way but every time we overcome one obstacle it becomes part of our experience and each experience teaches us a better way. Your words show that your path ahead of you will have less obstacles the further along it you go. You have come a long way and your life is already easier. Good write Dan.

            • Poetic Dan

              Yep I just have to keep clearing out my mind, thank you for helping good sir!

              Always appreciated

            • kevin browne

              Words have been overflowing with pure delight within the metophor used. The combination of thoughs and real, collective and well placed on to paper. Great work, brother and thanks for letting us read your most inner preivetly and secure wisdome you have shown.

              • Poetic Dan

                Thank you for your time and reflection of my inner workings.

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