You hear about God throughout your life,
The way God is always with you,
Will help you through the hard times.
God will be waiting for you
As your Spirit rises from your body,
When your time on Earth is over.
But what if you don’t believe?
Don’t believe in God.
It is therefore possible
That you arrive in heaven
Realise that you are wrong,
And become a winner,
And a believer.
Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (
- Published: May 14th, 2019 01:34
- Comment from author about the poem: We will know one day.
- Category: Reflection
- Views: 18
Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ Love JOHN DENVER ~ He is one of the Subjects of Our talks for SENIORS. Great JD introduction for the SONG ! Weve been to Colorado in the Fall to see the Aspens ~ HEAVEN ~ AMEN. John is great POET and his tunes & lyrics are a perfect SYMBIOSIS ~ AMEN. We anjoyed your Poem and the answer is in Genesis *Shall not the JUDGE of all the EARTH do right ?* AMEN !
Love & Blessings to YOU & JOYCE
Yours as always ~ ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
I know the answer in my belief in My Spirit not in the teachings of christianity.
Never mind bullshit phrases from the man made bible some people are limited by..... If theres that christian god then his teaching (omg man made again) is of forgiveness so why bother with worship or even acknowledging.
So many whacking great loopholes in christian teachings. No wonder they rely on blind faith cos it sure doesn't stand up to intelligent questioning or questioning.
Very true d a, you know where I stand now, religion is man made especially the christian teachings that I have now been questioning thoroughly, it just does not make sense with the belief of the god to which they worship with money.
I feel - or more strongly - I believe, you're on the right path still. I suppose my reply to the second stanza is 'Ohh, I dunno about that'.
Not to be judgemental, otherwise we could blame the churches, as in: 'You church lot should have got out more and evangelised the unbelievers!'
I'm upset at times with a church that 'preaches to the converted'. The converted need preaching too, but they often get a hefty warning message in Newsletter Editorial page from the minister!
Thanks Orchi, the converted are just being brainwashed.
Thanks Gold. But I mean in the sense of the 'converted' already knowing about turning from sins to God. But in this church, they get a message sometimes, as if they will be hit with a big stick, though they have repented (is the correct spiritual word here).
One said once (I forget who): 'So many millions of believers can't be wrong' surely?'
And even: 'I'm not willing to live out (or die for) for my faith, if it doesn't exist', some may say. This is not to put you off believing though.
The problem with being a non-believer is that I'll get the chance to say: 'I told you so !!' 😉
A great write nonetheless Andy.
Yes you may Michael. Thank you as ever.
Said that wrong - should have said : 'I'll NEVER get the chance to say: 'I told you so !!' ' Oh well !!
Hello Andy - I'm a non believer myself and live in horror over what religion has done to the world but have my other fantasies - actually on the day, Jay will be coming back for me in his truck and off we will go to the horses and the beautiful wide sky ........... whatever floats their boats as long as they don't knock on my door - then I'm afraid they have to deal with the consequences of their actions....... be afraid, be very afraid. Oh and God is Nature isn't she?
All are different and I am so glad it is so otherwise it would be very boring. I believe in My Spirit and know that I am pert of it and always will be. Nature is wonderful, its glory always touches me.
You and Jay and your horses will fly with the joy of nature in its absolute wonder.
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