A Night at the Opera.


The hero struts on stage with a swagger,

This handsome, charming man opens his mouth

And a sound of such indomitable beauty

Fills the house and my mind.

I am transported into the world of opera,

All other thoughts disappear,

As the music permeates my body and soul.

The heroine appears and a sound of such power

Amazes me as it is done with no effort.

How can they do this, produce this music,

So powerful, so beautiful and so fulfilling to me.

  • Author: Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 20th, 2019 01:25
  • Comment from author about the poem: Most music can capture me within its realms.
  • Category: Religion
  • Views: 21
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  • Neville

    You clearly have an eclectic musical taste my friend.. I have oft asked myself the same question though.... N

    • Goldfinch60

      Yes Neville, I listen to all types of music and have done for many, many years and although I think I know a great deal about music I find that the more I get to know about it the more ignorant I realise I am about it. Music can always surprise me.

    • orchidee

      A fine write and clip Gold.

    • dusk arising

      Initially i joined the music scene as a singer and went on to front several bands on the local scene in Gloucestershire. Though my voice was certainly powerful i was then and continue to be amazed at the power and beauty of these highly developed vocal skills of the classical stage.

      • Goldfinch60

        Those classical singers are quite phenomenal with both the power and gentility in their voices.

      • Poetic Dan

        Brilliant and yes the wonderful way music can reset us.
        Thank you

        • Goldfinch60

          Thank you Dan, you can feel every emotion in listening to music.

        • Michael Edwards

          A great description even though (serious) opera is not my favourite art form. I do love G&S and opera buffa generally but the storylines in mainstream are so far fetched and ridiculous I'm afraid they tax my logical mind and stop my enjoyment even though I love the music and so many of the arias.

          • Goldfinch60

            I can understand where you are coming from, some of the stories are strange but if I listen to Rigoletto, and follow the story every emotion that you can think of goes through me and when the last scene comes I am in bits, opera can do this to you.

            I too enjoy G and S, the boys school that I went to used to put on a G and S Operetta every year with the boys and the Masters taking all the parts, I did not sing then but I was in the orchestra playing the violin.
            My dad, who went to the same school did sing in the operettas, he was Yum Yum in the Mikado and he was Patience in Patience.

          • Andrew Charles Forrest

            Excellent G
            Like a sound therapy the power can blow you away and genuinely touch you great descriptive piece

            • Goldfinch60

              Thank You Andrew (a fine name), yes opera can really blow me away.

            • Suresh

              While there are singers by the millions, only a few can grace their voice for opera.
              I had the pleasure of attending Riggolito and Aida at the Baths of Carracalla (open air ruins) in mid 80's. Though I didn't understand the vocals, (I read the playbill and could follow) I thoroughly enjoyed the the presentation and the ambience. This was an experience of a lifetime and would highly recommend it.
              Thnx for the memories G.

              • Goldfinch60

                Yes Suresh those memories of seeing a live opera are so wonderful and always stay with you.

              • MendedFences27

                Wasn't that a Marx Brother's movie? See what happens because I didn't pay attention in school. I go for the low brow slap-stick comedy over the art of Opera. I'm sorry, but I couldn't stop thinking of the fat lady singing and Harpo being his usual flirty self.
                Save me, but I do enjoy Katherine Jenkins voice. Actually met her once. What a voice. Thanks for bringing back that memory. - Phil A.

                • Goldfinch60

                  Yes the Marx Brothers movies was there as well


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