Sitting in the garden,
Beautiful sunlit day.
I looked up,
The pale blue sky so clear,
The white clouds
Sailing gently below the blue,
So many different shapes.
Then I saw it,
I saw Australia,
Painted white.
Then strangely two more clouds,
Smaller, that were New Zealand.
The wonder of nature and imagination
Can create the world within us,
Create the world for us to see.
Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (
- Published: May 26th, 2019 01:31
- Comment from author about the poem: The sky can show us so much within our imagination.
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 22
A fine write Gold. I saw a Donald Duck shaped cloud the other day. Doh!
There are so many shapes that can be seen or imagined.
The sky is a wonderful subject for an artist - never the sa,e leaving interpretation to the mind and no one can ever say you've got it wrong - fine write Andy.
Thank you Michael, it is a great inspiration fore words as well and yes nobody can say that you are wrong as every cloud is unique.
Great write Andy (Great ame)
Superb follow up from "Raindrop" a wonderful nature piece as well the world and nature and in creator is a marvel
Thank you Andrew (Great name).
Nature is so wonderful, my wife is away on Respite Care this coming week so I intend to walk with nature during this week.
Sad time and I know you'll miss your wife Andy
But there is no better Re-Charge of the batteries than mature and walking in it
I hope you have as good a week... as you'll allow yourself.
Great stuff, that it can and you have
Thank you Dan.
Nature this coming week will no doubt reward your efforts to find peace and rest dear friend - your posting today is both imaginative and inspiring for clouds change shape with every breeze and that world in the sky will tomorrow give your walk something more to see and admire.
So kind Fay, thank you for your wonderful comments.
THANKS UNCLE ANDY : Love LANG LANG (I am a Pianist) and wonderful that a Serious Musician like LL can show his playful sense of humour in Public ! I am so thrilled you saw th ANTIPODES in the Clouds all my travelogues on NZ must behaving some efect on your imagination. My PAPA & MAMA are visiting soon so I will post some more ! The Maoris called NZ AOTEAROA *Land of the Long White Cloud* and CLOUDS and their meaning & forcasts are important in their culture. Keep looking up ANDY: You never know what you might see ! Its 10pm Sunday here so getting dark ! Enjoy you sojourns with MOTHER NATURE this week : AMEN !
Blessings & Love to YOU & JOYCE
Yours as always ANGELA 😊 NZ 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Thank you Angela, I always look up.
A man enjoying the simple beauty of existence in our wonderful world.
It's all there to be seen if we look.
Life can be so wonderful when we enjoy the simple things in life.
this is so very good and true... am smiling here as I look out of my study window....
Smiling is so important in our world, keep looking up.
Ah yes, cloud formations on a beautiful clear day! those billowy cumulus types that shape-shift as they flow across the blue skies. A welcome treat on fine spring day and often a catalyst for poetic creation. Kind of twilight zone getting Australia and New Zealand in succession. Thanks for this refreshing glimpse of a mind and nature at work together . - Phil A.
Thank you Phil, the uniqueness of each cloud gives so much inspiration to all.
Did you see Jupiter and Mars float by as well? So many a time I have played this game of imagination, alone and with my kids. It's a fun way to spend time - it's fun because of their ever changing, impermanence shapes.
Not this time it was too light but looking at clouds and there changing ways can bring wonder to the imagination, your kids are blessed to have you as a parent showing them these wonders.
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