A BALANCED DIET ~ The best way to EAT

Proteins - Carbs - Fats & Minerals are GOOD

And Vitamins too ~ if they can stand the HEAT

We must have BALANCE in our DIET ~ not Junk Food !


Proteins - Carbs - Fats & Minerals are GOOD

We need some VITAMINS in each meal

We must have BALANCE in our DIET ~ not Junk Food !

By eating right the benefits you feel !


We need some VITAMINS in each meal

With Fruit & Veg & Fish & Meat ~ or VEGGY

By eating right the benefits you feel

NO NEED for SUPPLEMENTS to stop you being EDGY !


Wuth Fruit & Veg & Fish & Meat ~ or VEGGY


NO NEED for SUPPLEMENTS to stop you being EDGY

Food guides are not  AUTH-ORIT-ARIAN !



And vitamins too ~ if they can stand the HEAT

Food guides are not AUTH-ORIT-ARIAN

A BALANCED DIET ~ the best way to EAT !


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome Love A & B 🧡🧡🧡


With a Balanced Diet most people dont need SUPPLEMENTS !

As a PHYSIO I give my Clients NUTRITION SHEETS because

being obese hinders recovery !  Also people who are healing

need all the individual components in a BALANCED DIET !

BRIAN also teaches NUTRITION to Catering Students & 

Pre-Nursing Students & Beauty Therapists and also to Seniors

who often rely too heavily on Take Aways & Precooked and

Frozen Meals. The UK and the USA has an abundance of cheap

fresh Fruit & Veg in season ~ You can even *Grow your Own*

and get some exercise as well.  BRIAN has an Allotment (Market

Garden) at the College to teach His Students to cultivate & grow

Fruit & Veg. His Vegetable Soup is legendary ! Remember to drink

8 pints of fluid per day ~ Especially WATER ! LOVE A & B ðŸ§¡ðŸ§¡ðŸ§¡ 



  • Author: ANGELA & BRIAN (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 18th, 2019 04:49
  • Category: Nature
  • Views: 21
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  • orchidee

    A fine write A&B.


      Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Pleased you liked it ! Dont forget to drink your EIGHT PINTS of water (or watered Wine) each day to keep your kidneys well flushed !

      Love in the Spirit ~ ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡 + 🧡

    • Suresh

      "Junk food" is a misnomer,
      "fast food"- food ready to eat or cooked quickly and generally designated as cheap and bought by masses

      You poem has generously served the benefits of the right diet and its portions

      • ANGELA & BRIAN

        SORRY SURESH ~ Again I have sent a COMMENT instead of a REPLY
        Please check ~ Thanks ~ BRIAN 🧡

      • ANGELA & BRIAN

        THANKS SURESH ~ YES *FAST FOOD* is a good term for pre-cooked (and sometimes frozen !) easy to prepare & serve FOOD for busy commuters and ANGELA & I often take advantage of it ~ OK However if it is frozen one can check the NUTRIENTS and check if there is a balance of Protein ~ Carbs ~ Fats ~ Minerals & Vitamins ~ OK. Hoiwever a lot of BUY FRESHLY COOKED food ~ Like McDonalds ~ Burger King ~ KFC etc is very high in fat & carbs ~ this is why some NUTRITIONISTS label it as JUNK rather than FAST perhaps a little harsh ? Pleased you found it informative and NOT AUTHORITARIAN !

        Blessings & Peace & Healthy Eating
        Yours ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡

      • Crystal Hope

        absolutely true. a great piece!

        • ANGELA & BRIAN

          THANKS CRYSTAL : ANGELA here ! I work as PHYSIOTHERAPIST and my JOB is to get people MOBILE again after Operations - Accidents - Strokes etc. Many of them are OBESE especially if their mobility is limited ! In addition to a relevant series of exercises I also explain to them the importance of a BALANCED DIET : 5 Fruit or Veg a day and drinking lots of Water etc. They all want to get better and want to please me so the majority stick to my six week (or longer) diet plan. I find the results quite amazing ! They get down to a TARGET WEIGHT : their skin tone & hair improves and their Mobility & Well being. People on a BALANCED DIET dont need SUPPLEMENTS all the Right Nutriants are All in the Right Food ! I am a DIETICIAN (as is Brian !) and it adds another important string to our BOW ! BRIAN lectures on FOOD SCIENCE ! Thanks for your comment !

          BLESSINGS & Peace : Yours ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

        • Suresh

          Hello Brian
          I totally agree with you, nutritional value is the most important factor.

          Labeling "fast/junk" food, I believe leads us away from actuality. Eating a hamburger in an expensive restaurant vs fast food is exactly the same if the fat content e.g. 80% lean etc. is the same.

          Individuals should find out what's best for each, based on their metabolism, taste and lifestyle and consume accordingly to stay healthy. WE EACH NEED TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES.

          Like your post states, BALANCE.

          Sorry for this lengthy response.

          • ANGELA & BRIAN

            Thanks again SURESH ~ We like lengthy responses because it indicates the SUBJECT of our PRESENTATION has been taken seriously. FOOD is FOOD whether one eats at home or in McDonalds or the RITZ ~ The main difference is the PRICE ! But it is the balance that is important ! A Burger with Fries is delicious and KIDS love them BUT without VEG or a SALAD it is UNBALANCED. Too often in Restaurants people choose ICE CREAM or CAKES or PANCAKES for a Dessert instead of Fruit which again is too much CARBS & FAT ! In the UK Schools we teach FOOD TECHNOLOGY and this does include DIETETICS so the next generation are getting some *Instruction in Right Living* Christianity teaches that *Our Bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit* so we should treat our Bodies (and the Bodies of others) as SACRED & HOLY ~ AMEN

            Blessings & Peace & Joy
            Your Friends ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡

          • ForeverJesus7

            I agree with this piece. I enjoy all kinds of desserts. Still, I know when is enough, and I make sure I eat properly too. Also I exercise alot. It is important that we do. We must always take care of our bodies. This goes beyond food. This is a great piece.
            Now I want a great piece of pie.
            Persistence is key

            • ANGELA & BRIAN

              AMEN ZION ~ Everything in moderation ~ You know it makes sense ~ Our BODIES are the Temples of the HOLY SPIRIT ! A generous slice of CHERRY PIE is on its way through Cyber Space (PIE IN THE SKY !)

              Blessings & Peace in all that you do
              Love in the Spirit ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡

            • Goldfinch60

              I have been cooking for sixty years and we nearly always have home cooked food (the occasional fish and chips from the chippie does happen) but I have always believed everything in moderation and that is how we have normally eaten.

              • ANGELA & BRIAN

                THNAKS UNCLE ANDY ~ Everything in MODERATION is perfect ! WE agree about the CHIPPY ~ Bastions of Good Taste. Irrespective of AGE we must all eat sensibly to live long & graciously !

                Blessings to You and Joyce
                Love in the SPIRIT ~ ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

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