Pershore bridge

dusk arising


by the old bridge
where it crosses the avon
just east of pershore, today
came two little ducks
straight toward me
i wondered what games we could play

the drake looking older
wizened and scarred
settled down about three yards away
and his lively young mate
came over to me
and we chatted away half the day

           she told of her liking to snuffle
           for goodies among the long grass
           and find punters like me
           with their naughty bread
           why hadn't i brought some today

           i gazed into her cute hazel eyes
           and explained it as best as i could
           you're far too beautiful
           to be fed naughty bread
           for it really does you no good

but bless her, she's not easily led
had her doubts about what i'd just said
then wonderfully waddley
she waddled away
and it still makes me smile
                    at the end of my day

  • Author: dusk arising (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 2nd, 2019 00:09
  • Comment from author about the poem: \\\\r\\\\n A poem for children, to help teach them that bread is not a good thing to feed to ducks and waterfowl - something we all remember doing as kids but is now frowned upon in these enlightened times see:-
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 12
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  • Michael Edwards

    A real beauty of a fun-write - apart from the important message it gave me a smile

  • Fay Slimm.

    A great read not only for children my friend as adults too need informing of health hazards to ducks given bread -- thank you D.A. for your tale is enchanting and takes me back moons ago to Pershore and its old bridge.

  • Goldfinch60

    Yes often been there d a.

    If you are interested it is Pershore Midsummer Brass on Saturday, I will be there.

  • Suresh

    A duck and a goose, I saw in a pond, play
    While the duck was waddling, the nasty goose chased us away

    Many a smiles, both the read and the memory, thnx

  • Neville

    What better way to educate anyone than by exposing them to something that is not only fun but carries an important message that even many grown ups are likely to be unaware of.... Could ya write another one about hedgehogs and milk my friend...... Neville

  • Laura🌻

    dusk arising,

    Thank you for this wonderful share! A fun and informative read! 🦆


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