Michael Edwards



Art is only created by artists

but not all artists create.

  • Author: Michael Edwards (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 22nd, 2019 00:59
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 22
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  • orchidee

    A good write and pic M. You been round my way? There was a building that looked like the one in your pic a few miles from us, on a farm - now been rebuilt.

    • Michael Edwards

      I love the broken - always makes for more interesting scenes.- it's amacing what you can find amid the Rub Berles.

      • orchidee

        Aww did Ruby Berles (Rub for short) live there before they knocked it down?!

      • Goldfinch60

        Very true Michael. We have had this discussion before and I think that we agree that art comes from within, as a lover of art, though not particularly knowledgeable, I like to be able to feel the artists presence within the artworks, as I do with yours.
        Many art works are just wonderful copies of life that could have been taken by a camera, the artists are very skilled but is it art.
        Equally I have seen photographs that look like a piece of art, art is so special that it must have an effect on the person looking at it.
        This discussion goes on forever.

        • Michael Edwards

          Yes we have and probably will again. In truth I am not sure about the second line - do I really mean it as it reads? If an artist doesn't create the he's not an artist. Perhaps I should replace it with this. Discuss.

        • dusk arising

          Your image today reminds me of my own 'theme' when i was a keen photographer. I would try to capture how nature gently re-took the ground which mankind abandons. I was often in derelict buildings with camera or in railway sidings.
          Interesting last line from you today, i recall even a piss artist was able to leave quite creative channels across pavements in those late evenings of my younger days.

        • Neville

          that's one hell of a statement .. one hell of a painting and true... N

        • Fay Slimm.

          Oooh - what a picture - I wish I could take that broken down dwelling and make it into my country retreat - and as for your statement on art I really agree that not all artists have the gift of creating. A interesting posting my friend and thanks for sharing it.

        • Suresh

          Art is inherent in art(tist), that you have displayed in many forms, mesmerizing us

        • Andrew Charles Forrest

          Great shorty Michael and could not agree more

          Have always admired Francis Bacon after a visit to the tate years ago... His work still give me the shivers now when I see it... what power

        • ANGELA & BRIAN

          VERY TRUE UNCLE MICHAEL ~ In my case it would apply to Science which is both My Profession & My Passion !
          SCIENCE is only created by SCIENTISTS (especially in the 21st century)
          ALL SCIENTISTS are not CREATIVE !

          In the past mAny things were discovered accidently Gravity ~ The Steam Engine ~ Mauve Dye ~ Polythene ~ Penicillin ~ Radioactivity ~ Stainless Steel ~ The Wheel etc etc. Today the breakthroughs are made by Teams of PhD's workin in LABS with millions of pounds of equipment ! Even PhD's can (occasionally) be creative. Thanks for Painting ~ very creative !

          Blessings to YOU & YOURS
          ANGELA (8:30 am) BRIAN (8:30 pm) ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™

        • FineB

          Hello Michael,

          A deep poignant poem.

          Super write.

          Keep writing FineB

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